PHP Users
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- Re: RES: Re: problem with my login script, (continued)
- problem with my login script,
Thomas Conrad
- Good tutorial for compiling last PHP with Apache support from source,
Alan Hoffmeister
- Basic Statistics,
George R Smith
- SSHA Password Encryption,
Coşkun Bağrıaçık
- php can't insert data mysql table,
Tim Dunphy
- Re: php can't insert data mysql table, Jim Giner
- Re: php can't insert data mysql table, Tommy Pham
- Re: php can't insert data mysql table, Stuart Dallas
- Re: php can't insert data mysql table, Jim Giner
relative url and path_info,
Tom Sparks
output command and php, El Ale...
A string question,
Chris Payne
Here's my rounding,
Chris Payne
Round help needed,
Chris Payne
Problem with PHP in Moodle LMS,
Gary Lebowitz
Responding to an XML data post,
Bastien Koert
Activating the mysql_clear_password plugin, Pierre-Gildas MILLON
about lock some codes.,
Static constructor support,
Yves Goergen
PHP as Application Server,
Maciej Liżewski
Vulnerability Announced in phpMyAdmin,
Daniel Brown
SOAP problem, George Pitcher
memory allocation,
Marcelo Bianchi
install PHP 5.4 by RPM,
Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available,
AmirBehzad Eslami
- RES: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, Samuel Lopes Grigolato
- Re: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, Jim Giner
- Re: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, Haluk Karamete
- RE: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, admin
- Re: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, shiplu
- RE: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, Daevid Vincent
- Re: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, marco@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available, Jeremiah Dodds
Array & unset(),
Ron Piggott
Images can execute php script?,
Day after Friday,
Tedd Sperling
Need help to understand a code,
Ashickur Rahman Noor
Intermittent error on hosted service, Lester Caine
Re: PHP Re: PHP Bounce messages, Tim Streater
output compression when host has disabled mod_deflate, mod_gzip and php_value auto_prepend_file,
edward eric pedersson
Risks involved in MyISAM to Innodb,
Girish Talluru
Re: PHP Bounce messages,
Tim Streater
Bounce messages,
Lester Caine
Warning at PDO:Firebird driver manual page removed.,
Davi Marcondes Moreira
CURL vs Exif_imagetype(),
about PHP's filter_var function,
Re: PHP Re: Programmers and developers needed, Tim Streater
stream_read function for registered wrapper class.,
RE: Re: Programmers and developers needed -- TiVo booooo!, Daevid Vincent
Highlight Search Results,
Floyd Resler
PHP from ASP using AJAX?,
Girish Talluru
tricky code problem,
Jim Giner
Expected behaviour or bug?,
Camilo Sperberg
bucle while for to msqyl,
El Ale...
Re: bucle while for to msqyl, Daniel Brown
Re: bucle while for to msqyl, El Ale...
Re: bucle while for to msqyl, El Ale...
[ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.4.7 and PHP 5.3.17 released!, Johannes Schlüter
How to track for Allowed memory size ?, Ivan Dimitrov
Fwd: [PHP-DB] Prepared Statements - Search, tamouse mailing lists
PHP Threading on Windows,
PHP 5.4.7 and PHP 5.3.17 released!, Johannes Schlüter
Programmers and developers needed,
agbo onyador
PHP array unions,
Adam Richardson
How to limit source IP in PHP,
Tonix (Antonio Nati)
fets() escaping some characters,
sunil meena
redirect a shell command to stdout in real time,
zonyi besk
Blocking gethostbyname and Net_DNS2 behaviour,
a m
another Array question,
How can I send custom message structures in SoapFault, Néstor Boscán
a little trickery,
David McGlone
The end of "mysql",
Jim Giner
xmlrpc encoding problem,
Cefull Lo
Pre-populating of a form with known info from database,
Girish Talluru
use JSON storage on RAMdisk instead of SQL? (for fast moving sites),
MS SQL server connection problem.,
Girish Talluru
John Taylor-Johnston
David McGlone
mysql and php questions, Littlefield, Tyler
ksort by value,
John Taylor-Johnston
Easiest way to create a web service based on a WSDL document,
Néstor Boscán
How to use wsdl files?,
Michelle Konzack
Help with MSSQL and Stored Procs,
Phillip Baker
MSSQL Stored Proc,
Phillip Baker
PHP to XLS Security Alert issue,
FoxPro Table Structure,
Floyd Resler
Who is responsible for NFD or NFC formated UTF8 text? PHP, my application or the system-administrator?, Simon Schick
Cannot retrieve KRB5CCNAME if logged in with kerberos ticket,
Mauricio Tavares
include selectively or globally?,
Haluk Karamete
get question,
Jack S
Movable Type (MT) *client*, Mihamina Rakotomandimby
multiple forms one page,
Rosie Williams
What's the best way to make a dynamic plugin architecture?,
syntax error breaking in and out of php into html code,
Ashley Sheridan
A quick ereg translation,
Lester Caine
redefine a define ...,
Lester Caine
UTC on php log bug,
Martín Marqués
away from Fedora linux for a while and now this ...HELP,
Fred Silsbee
Dynamic Content thoughts,
Using PEAR and PHP,
Suraj Shah
set up mass virtual hosting with apache/nginx and PHP ... best practice 2012?,
D. Dante Lorenso
Re: [PHP-DB] echo into variable or the like, Daniel Brown
mysqlnd and mysqli as shared extensions?,
Lester Caine
Crash course,
Lester Caine
[PHP-DEV] Separate apc-caches for each fpm-pool,
Simon Schick
Re: Need Help in Yaf spreading, Laruence
How do I do count the occurrence of each word?,
John Taylor-Johnston
APC expunge notices,
Nathan Nobbe
Cost of redirect and site domain switch? Good Practice / Bad Practice / Terrible Practice,
Instance inheritance, Aaron Holmes
Need to have form protection techniques,
Ansry User 01
Re: Display Array Tree as Menu - Can't figure out how to find depth with something over 2 levels : ANSWERED,
Display Array Tree as Menu - Can't figure out how to find depth with something over 2 levels,
Two ways to obtain an object property,
PHP APC 3.1.11,
Vedran Rodic
WebCodeSniffer : a web interface for PHP_CodeSniffer, EasyPHP
about unlink,
Re: [PHP-WEBMASTER] php error,
Daniel Brown
How to best set per-site PHP session storage under suPHP/WordPress?,
Philip Amadeo Saeli
Is PHP unsuitable for HTML5 WebSockets?,
Reading class variable value always returns NULL,
Reto Kaiser
PHP 5.4.5 Sendmail issues on Mountain Lion, Mr. Gecko
XML/PHP web service,
Phillip Baker
PHP session variables,
Ansry User 01
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