Hi, good evening! I'm working with an database from and older application (Firebird 1.5) and I need some help to implement the PDO:Firebird in our projects at work. If anybody could give me some light in this case, I would be very happy to implement PDO with Firebird from now on. Until last month, the manual page about PDO:Firebird driver ( http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-firebird.php) had a Warning message ( http://twitpic.com/awrqdx/full , 'Aviso' in portuguese) alerting about the risks of using this extension: "Warning: This module is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this extension - including function names and any other documentation about this extension - can change without advice in future versions of PHP. This extension should be used at your own risk." and that was the reason I didn't implemented this extension before, I didn't felt safe enough to use it in our projects. But at the beggining of september (nearly day 7) the warning message was removed ( http://twitpic.com/awrw8k/full) and no comments were posted on the page, leaving unexplained the reasons of this update. I've got help from Rafael Dohms on twitter which sent links ( http://www.gn0s1s.nl/?p=108 and http://www.firebirdnews.org/?p=6619) explaining that between may and december 2011 some members of gn0s1s.nl and firebirdnews.org had plans to fix bugs to set this extension safe for general use, but I didn't got any response that proved with 100% that this extension is now secure for project needs. The question is: why the warning message was removed, and now this extension is safe for use, without risks of being discontinued or depreciated? Sincerely, -- Davi Marcondes Moreira + Info: http://about.me/davi.m.moreira