In PHP the array is in fact a hash map, but especially it is _used_ for
nearly everything map-, set-, ...-like thing. So in short: The is no
operator or built-in function, that merges two arrays _and_ treat them
as set (instead of the hashmap, what they are). Your solution is the way
to go.
Am 12.09.2012 17:10, schrieb Adam Richardson:
So, PHP has the '+' array operator, which forms the union of arrays,
but it does so by key. What I'm looking for is a function that forms
the union of arrays based on value. Currently, I use code like the
array_unique(array_merge($array1, $array2, $array3));
This is useful to me because I tend to program using functional
programming principles. Just want to make sure I'm not missing a core
function that already does this. If there's not a core function, I
might just build an array_union extension because the functionality is
so common in my codebases.
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