PHP Users
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Is there any difference in assigning variable to itself after some actions on it or to another variable?, Vyacheslav Kondratyuk
variable placeholders in a text file,
Nelson Green
Re: Shopping Cart Discount System,
Ashley Sheridan
Rewrite Help,
Floyd Resler
FilesystemIterator issue with smb/cifs mounts,
Kris Spencer
how to build multilingual e-commerce website,
Sachin Raut
Internationalization, Silvio Siefke
Serial Comm problem,
Ken Arck
Re: Strange string stuff -- maybe everything is ending..., Tim Streater
A Recent Emacs Mode for PHP, Eric James Michael Ritz
[ad] [free+opensource] htmlMicroscope (nested array viewer/dumper) upgraded - now allows for even larger arrays,
Strange string stuff -- maybe everything is ending...,
Tedd Sperling
Re: Strange string stuff -- maybe everything is ending..., Ken Robinson
Sorry bout that...,
Steven Staples
PHP 5.4.10 and PHP 5.3.20 released!, Johannes Schlüter
Adianti Framework is released, Pablo Dall'Oglio
Noobie starting to learn OOP for databases needs help,
Formatting -- defining sections of code,
Andy McKenzie
Re: Weird MySQL+Gearman issue - SOLVED, FeIn
Weird MySQL+Gearman issue,
storing & searching docs,
Jim Giner
Compile APC in PHP 5.2,
Alexander Diedler
Php application with session used in a cluster,
Jan Vávra
Lucene library,
Larry Garfield
Storing passwords in session variables,
Paul Halliday
Unexpected behavior of max() function,
"Рогулин С.В."
Session ?,
Jim Giner
Unset and __destruct,
Pierre du Plessis
[PHP-DEV] PHP 5.3.20RC1 and 5.4.10RC1 Released for Testing!, Johannes Schlüter
PHP site search broken?,
Paul M Foster
Can't use the SNMP class,
Marc-Andre Bergeron
how to read emails with php,
Farzan Dalaee
shared memory on php servers?,
building an improved service log,
seg fault with pecl ps extension,
PDO mysql Connection issue,
PDO question,
CSV importer tool,
Leandro Dardini
PHP 5.4.9 and PHP 5.3.19 released!, Stas Malyshev
Encode e-mail text in UTF-8,
globbed includes?,
tamouse mailing lists
Variables with - in their name,
Ron Piggott
How to get a PHP bug fixed?,
Re: Switch - Case Statement Questions,
Tim Streater
re:Switch - Case Statement Questions,
Omar Muhsin
error_handler : unique "caller ID" ?,
B. Aerts
serialize() casts numeric string keys to integers,
Date comparison going wrong, wrong, wrong,
Terry Ally (Gmail)
Re: Date comparison going wrong, wrong, wrong, Stuart Dallas
Re: Date comparison going wrong, wrong, wrong, Jim Giner
Re: Date comparison going wrong, wrong, wrong, Jim Giner
Re: Date comparison going wrong, wrong, wrong, marco@xxxxxxxxxx
Re: Date comparison going wrong, wrong, wrong, Duken Marga
Rest Authentication,
Adam Tong
The require and include,
andrej arshinow
Fwd: PHP Enterprise Bananas,
Ben Edwards
Java guru?, Tedd Sperling
Differentiate Line breaks and Paragraphs,
Simon Dániel
Creating an Advanced Form,
Jonathan Davies
ZendCodeAnalyzer oddity,
Christoph Boget
Multithreading for OOP PHP,
Florian Müller
Message not available
Re: Multithreading for OOP PHP, Larry Garfield
Re: list of places to learn programming online, tamouse mailing lists
Adam Tong
TURBOPY cloud framework + IDE beta available NOW,
Johannes Reichardt
Session data lost in Firefox,
John Boy
select function,
Jeff Burcher
PCRE Expression,
Volmar Machado
Help using PHP 5.3.3 mail() with Apache James,
Steven Pogue
cron job problem,
Jim Giner
Recommendation request: Use Magento or build my own eCommerce?,
Table help needed - followup, Chris Payne
RAM Disk,
Alan Hoffmeister
Free LAPP stack,
Robert Stone
Missing email,
Karl DeSaulniers
User Timezone,
Karl DeSaulniers
Table help needed,
Chris Payne
[Ticket #3959] [ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.4.8 and PHP 5.3.18 released!, helpdesk
PHP 5.4.8 and PHP 5.3.18 released!, Johannes Schlüter
PHP to decode AES,
Rick Dwyer
Send php Mail not working in MAMP (non pro version),
Eclipse plugins ..., Lester Caine
Wrong time being displayed by PHP!,
Richard S. Crawford
Serving an image,
Rick Dwyer
Lester Caine
Is it possible to click download button,and run 2 tasks downloading a file and show number of downloads(ajax)simultaneously?,
Negin Nickparsa
Ok then, here is a test,
Jim Lucas
PHP The Right Way (website),
tamouse mailing lists
Re: appreciation, Tim Streater
David McGlone
Beneficial site spamming framework,
Paul M Foster
crash dump on OS X Server: PHP / Apache, Mattias Thorslund
Re: limiting,
Tim Streater
David McGlone
Friday - Return of Brain Teasers,
Daniel Brown
building upon the code RE: Differences,
David McGlone
[PHP-DEV] PHP 5.3.18RC1 and 5.4.8RC1 Released for Testing!,
Johannes Schlüter
Re: Differences, Tim Streater
Programatically create directory,
Jen Rasmussen
cURL issues posting to an end point,
Bastien Koert
David McGlone
generate a thumbnail with imagick and place a logo on top,
A Freund
John Taylor-Johnston
Re: problem with my login script,
Tim Streater
problem with my login script,
Thomas Conrad
Good tutorial for compiling last PHP with Apache support from source,
Alan Hoffmeister
Basic Statistics,
George R Smith
SSHA Password Encryption,
Coşkun Bağrıaçık
php can't insert data mysql table,
Tim Dunphy
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