On Thursday, October 04, 2012 06:06:50 PM Jim Giner wrote: > On 10/3/2012 8:48 PM, David McGlone wrote: > > Hi everyone, I have been playing around with some code the list helped me > > with a while back and I'm not grasping the concept between return and > > echo and the PHP manual doesn't answer this, unless I'm missing > > something. There is an example at the very bottom of PHP's return manual, > > but it's confusing. > > > > So now I'm left wondering why return will only give me the first result in > > an array, but echo will give me all the results of the array. Using > > stuart's example he had sent me a while back I've messed around with it > > and modified it to better understand it: > > > > function filename($prefix) > > { > > > > $matches = glob('images/property_pics/'.$prefix.'*'); > > foreach($matches as $filename){ > > return $filename; > > > > } > > > > } > > > > echo completeImageFilename($row['MLS_No']); > > > > With the above code I only get the first image of each picture name, but > > when I change return to echo, it groups and displays all the pics that > > have the same picture name. > > > > > > -- > > David M. > > I've read thru 9 responses to the OP and not one of you mentioned that > the code presented is problematic in itself. Very forgiving, but > perhaps someone should have suggested that he post "actual code" when > looking for help in the future, and not some typing that is supposed to > represent the problem. > > In this case, I"m looking for the function he called > "completeImageFilename" > > :):) Uh Oh, we're in trouble ;-) Sorry about that Jim, I accidently typed the wrong function name. Here's the corrected code. Everybody's answer was spot on and I learned a great deal about return and echo. :-) function completeImageFilename($prefix) { $matches = glob('images/property_pics/'.$prefix.'*'); foreach($matches as $filename){ return $filename; } } echo completeImageFilename($row['MLS_No']); -- David M.