Hi all, I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. This may be more of an Apache than PHP issue, but in the hopes someone here might have had some experience with this .. I am developing functionality which will allow our users to upload photos so that we can share comments on the photos between ourselves and the user. The issue I am having is that when someone creates an account for this, I am programmatically creating a folder specific to that user in an temporary /temp/ and permanent upload /upload/ directory (i.e. 2 folders). Although I am chmod the folder at the time it is created, it seems the user cannot upload to the folder. The only way I am able to get it to work is if I create the folder manually via FTP. My research indicates it might have something to do with the Apache UID or GUID, but being a relative novice with Apache I am at a loss. I've tried multiple directives via a per directory htaccess file and nothing seems to work. I can, of course, create a number of anticipated folders (based on a project id) manually to get around this, but prefer not to do that. I could also dump everything into just temp without having it in a project id folder but I would like to separate content in case of simultaneous users. Additionally, the file upload only seems to work if the folder is 0777, which I know can have security implications. Advice? I am using plupload. Here is a portion my code: //temp dir $dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/projects/temp/'.$pid.'/'; mkdir($dir); //echo $dir."<br />"; if (is_dir($dir) ) { chmod($dir, 0777); } Any suggestions for me, please? Thanks. Jen Rasmussen Web Development Manager | Cetacea Sound Corp. 763-225-8465 | www.cetaceasound.com P Before printing this message, make sure that it's necessary. The environment is in your hands