I'm pretty much a php newbie but have been programming for years in
other languages
Using /dev/ttyS0. I need to set the serial port to 9600, send one
command to an embedded processor board, then change the baud rate to
57600 and wait for a response. My code is working up to (and
including) sending the command (and is being received correctly and
acted on by the other device) but hangs up while waiting for the
device to ACK back.
//set ttyS0 speed to 9600 to send command
exec('stty -F /dev/ttyS0 9600');
// first open comport if it exists
$fp = fopen ("/dev/ttyS0", "w+");
if (!$fp) {
die( "Uh-oh. Port not opened.");
} else {
//send command
$fw = fwrite($fp, "1*219999\r\n");
//set ttyS0 speed to 57600 to for bootloader
exec('stty -F /dev/ttyS0 57600');
// wait for bootloader to send "^" (does not send CR or LF)
echo "Waiting for Bootloader Active Character.....\n" ;
// ******************************Were good to
Do {
$InData = fgets($fp,1);
While ($InData != "^") ;
I have also tried both While ($InData !=="^") ; and While ($InData
<> "^") ; for the last line but it always hangs in this loop and
times out after 30 seconds
The ^ is sent by the remove device with \r\n so I assumed telling
fgets to look for one character should be enough but apparently it isn't.
Any help would be greatly appreciated