I've just run up Eclipse-Juno on a machine a few days ago, and I thought I would
try out PDT jut to see what the differences are to phpeclipse. The current
problems with phpeclipse are that is falling behind on support for the new
features, so gives phantom errors for things like 'static::' which obviously
needs addressing, but if PDT was a suitable replacement then perhaps now is the
time to move?
Obviously PDT has a different way of doing some things and I'm slowly finding
the 'PDT' way for bits that I use normally but has anybody done a crib sheet
highlighting the differences? The only info coming up is translating projects
rather than user guides, and google is throwing up a lot of inaccessible pages
with phpeclipse on them :(
phpeclipse.com seems to be down so perhaps it's time to move anyway, but I do
prefer the way it does some of the type hinting back to the parent classes while
PDT one has to navigate up to see that data :(
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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