I have a table,which has a field counting the downloaded files,so with php I can return the value: <span class="num" id="<?php echo $id;?>">Downloaded:<?php echo $downloadcount;?></span> when clicking the button,it will download the file: <input type = "button" value="Download" class="button" id="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="dl" onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $track;?>'"> I wanted to refresh the download count when clicking the button first is it possible?because I think by using onclick in the span section I can't have an onclick event in jquery but if I will assume that it is possible then how to store it in php?so I can update the table? I wrote something which is wrong: $(function() { $(".button").click(function(){ var clicks = 0; var theID = $('.num').attr('id'); clicks++; $(theID).html("Downloded:"+clicks); }); }); in php section I have a while loop that will return each row like this: while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $id=$row['ID']; //some code } here is my demo if you would like to see the whole enter james in textbox: http://parsa-web.goodluckwith.us/index.php