I want to parse this text and count the occurrence of each word:
$text =
http://www.cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca/~languesmodernes/test/test.html; #Can I
do this?
$stripping = strip_tags($text); #get rid of html
$stripping = strtolower($stripping); #put in lowercase
First of all I want to start AFTER the expression "News Releases" and
stop BEFORE the next occurrence of "-30-"
#This may occur an undetermined number of times on
Second, do I put $stripping into an array to separate each word by each
space " "?
$stripping = implode(" ", $stripping);
Third how do I count the number of occurrences of each word?
Sample Output:
determined = 4
fire = 7
patrol = 3
theft = 6
witness = 1
witnessed = 1
$text = http://www.cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca/~languesmodernes/test/test.html
#echo strip_tags($text);
#echo "\n";
$stripping = strip_tags($text);
#Get text between "News Releases" and stop before the next occurrence of
#$stripping = str_replace("\r", " ", $stripping);# getting rid of \r
#$stripping = str_replace("\n", " ", $stripping);# getting rid of \n
#$stripping = str_replace(" ", " ", $stripping);# getting rid of the
occurrences of double spaces
#$stripping = strtolower($stripping);
#Where do I go now?
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