PHP Users
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- Re: Differences between PHP on LAMP and PHP on Windows Servers, (continued)
- [missing] images .htaccess,
muad shibani
- requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL),
- errors not showing,
Tim Dunphy
- Bust out a PDF via the print stylesheet?,
Brian Dunning
- regexp novice,
Jim Giner
- Bug in DOMDocument schemaValidate() function?,
Voß, Marko
- looking for some PECL PHP GTK tutorial,
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
- Time out issue,
- SOLVED: [PHP] alias address in REMOTE_ADDR, Tóth Csaba
- alias address in REMOTE_ADDR,
Tóth Csaba
- Variables via url,
Ashley M. Kirchner
- Converting date string to unix timestamp,
Karl DeSaulniers
- Best practice question regarding set_include_path(),
- Performance / AB issue?,
Lars Nielsen
- How to send XML requests from PHP?,
Michelle Konzack
- I need a good access and error log..,
- PHP Subroutine Call Blowing UP with Strings,
George R Smith
- I'm missing something,
Jim Giner
- Running through an enormous SQL file,
Brian Dunning
- howto get pgUp, pgDn, delete, home and end keycodes in CLI PHP script,
Andres Gonzalez
- PHP & Database Problems -- Code Snippets - Any more Ideas?,
Ethan Rosenberg
- Calculating driving distance between UK postcodes,
Terry Ally (Gmail)
- function,
Ron Piggott
- PDF Form Field,
Dan Joseph
- Why might fclose() block?, Andy Theuninck
- Retrieve pages from an ASP driven site,
- PHP & Database Problems -- Code Snippets,
Ethan Rosenberg
- Re: PHP & Database Problems -- Code Snippets, Duken Marga
date conversion/extraction issues,
Haluk Karamete
PHP & Database Problems,
Ethan Rosenberg
Problem with AssertTag: children count wrong,
Michael Otteneder
get content rss feed,
Doeke Wartena
PHP & Emacs,
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
problem loading php extension: undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0, Nathan Ridge
code deployment through php,
mb_encode_mimeheader function can't deal with long non-English strings?,
Coiby Xu
PHP Mailto() - Google now displaying HTML as Plain Text,
Terry Ally (Gmail)
Array_diff problems,
Rick Dwyer
Re: [PHP] url string being split, Tim Streater
Insert group by,
Rick Dwyer
Jim Giner
undefined offset,
Jim Giner
url string being split,
Chris Stinemetz
Segmentation fault while fetching BLOB data from mysql with ODBC,
Leandro Dardini
Should I check imput for bad chars in this case?,
date() confustion,
Nathan Nobbe
Serving a .dmg via readfile?,
Brian Dunning
Best PHP Template System,
Willie Matthews
Find/count different word in a text,
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
Sort question..,
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
What is wrong here?,
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
NULL Problem,
David Stoltz
Hmm.. this is strange..,
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
session lost problem,
bug zhu
Re: session lost problem, Adam Richardson
No error reporting on,
Dotan Cohen
Re: [PHP-DB] School timetable in php,
tamouse mailing lists
Blocking URL hacking attemps,
SqLite INSERT want not write,
Silvio Siefke
Email Antispam,
David Mehler
sms class,
DZvonko Nikolov
Customized Session Handler can not work for PHP 5.1.6 and CentOS 5.5,
strict nannying ...,
Lester Caine
tempnam() not working as expected...,
tamouse mailing lists
Upcoming Outage:,
Daniel Brown
case-insensitive $_REQUEST,$_GET,$_POST keys?,
tamouse mailing lists
Flat PHP projects and Firebug,
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
PHP: a fractal of bad design,
Daevid Vincent
Sorting Help,
Floyd Resler
Re: [PHP] strftime silliness, Tim Streater
Re: strftime silliness, Tim Streater
strftime silliness,
Tim Streater
Re: [PHP] php in windows,
Tim Streater
php in windows,
Kirk Bailey
desk top interactive environment,
Kirk Bailey
Script failing on extension_dir,
George R Smith
mssql_bind question,
David Stoltz
insteadof considered harmful,
Szczepan Hołyszewski
php books,
Kirk Bailey
image inventoryer,
Kirk Bailey
PEARX - A lightweight non-installer-dependent PEAR channel library., Lin Yo-An
RSS Standardness, shiplu
To ?> or not to ?>,
Tedd Sperling
Re: learning resources for PHP,
Daniel Brown
Adding Rows In PHPMYADMIN,
Karl James
building php x64 for windows, 小鱼虾
Dynamic open_basedir and mod_vhost_alias, Alex Domoradov
Karl James
Variable representation,
Ron Piggott
Command line has no network access,
Lester Caine
Re: [PHP] Websocket using php, Tim Streater
Websocket using php,
Leandro Dardini
Att: saeed ahmed, Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
some good deals on good books,
tamouse mailing lists
whats wrong,
saeed ahmed
Could apc_fetch return a pointer to data in shared memory ?,
PHP preg_replace_callback with unicode, Jimmy Chen
Surge 2012 CFP is Open!, Katherine Jeschke
securing a script that exec()s,
request for feedback on logAndHandler,
PHP 5.4.1 RC1 Released,
Stas Malyshev
Updating Google Plus,
Brian Dunning
pcntl_fork behavior with php version 5.1.2,
Ralf Gnädinger
Re: [PHP-DB] Flow of PHP testClass,
tamouse mailing lists
Watch out for automatic type casting,
Arno Kuhl
DateTime wierdness,
Martín Marqués
Mime Mail problem,
Re: Need PHP & Web Developer in So Cal,
Paul Scott
Critical Error,
Karl James
PHP: "superior code quality",
Kirk . Johnson
Is the php sockets extension experimental?,
Meike Stone
APC or any other cache for php 5.4.0?, Daniel Fenn
Re: Re: List working?, Shawn McKenzie
Uploading and creating an email attachment, WITHOUT a DB on server,
Christopher Svanefalk
updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: including PHP code from another server..),
CURL -d,
including PHP code from another server..,
foreach weirdness,
Arno Kuhl
make error,
MySQL table design,
Chris Stinemetz
Joseph Moniz
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