Hi. My last thread got derailed into a javascript and even photoshop discussion, and while I can't blame myself for that really, this time I would like to bring a pure PHP issue to your scrutiny. I run several sites now, on the same shared hoster, but with such a setup that I cannot let PHP require() or include() code from a central place located on another domain name on the same shared hosting account, not the normal way at least. $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is a completely different path for each of the domains on the same hosting account, and obviously you can't access one domain's directory from another domain. Hoster support's reply is A) I dont know code, B) You can't include code from one domain on another and C) use multiple copies, 1 for each domain But that directory (my opensourced /code in the zip on http://mediabeez.wsbtw), takes a while to update to my hoster, many files. Plus, as I add more domains that use the same code base, my overhead and waiting time increases lineary at a steep incline. So.. Since all of this code is my own, and tested and trusted, I can just eval(file_get_contents(' http://sitewithwantedcode.com/code/get_php.php?file=/code/sitewide_rv/autorun.php')) hehe And get_php.php takes care of the nested includes by massaging what it retrieves. Or so is my thinking. The problem I'm facing, and for which I'm asking your most scrutinous feedback, is: How would you transform _nested_ require(_once) and include(_once)? I haven't figured out yet how to transform a relative path include/require. What about for instance a require_once($fileIwantNow)? I do both in my /code tree atm. For my own purposes, I could massage my own PHP in /code/libraries_rv and /code/sitewide_rv manually, but I'd also like to be able to include a single copy of the 3rd party free libs that I use in /code/libraries(/adodb-5.10 for instance). And god knows how they might include and require. Plus, I'd like to turn this into another free how-to blog entry on http://mediabeez.ws, plus accompanying code, so I think I might find some free tips here again. Greetings, from spring sun soaked amsterdam.nl, Rene