On 22/05/2012 19:15, Gates, Jeff wrote: > Can anyone tell me what differences I might encounter by working with PHP on a Unix server verses working with PHP on a Windows server. We use Windows production servers here but many of us would like to get more LAMP environments. > > So, I'm wondering if I can use the hive mind here to get a sense of the pros and cons of each platform. > > Thanks. > > Jeff In addition to Ashley's response, server variables can be populated with different values on PHP/Apache/Linux versus PHP/IIS/Windows. This can be a particular issue if you're writing 404 handlers or anything that relies on query strings. In particular you need to test and check for differences between Apache and IIS in how the REQUEST_URI, QUERY_STRING, URL, and ORIG_PATH_INFO variables are populated depending on whether your script is being called directly or as a 404 handler. When redirecting due to a 404 or some other redirect or error IIS will populate some variables with values like this "/404.php?404;http://www.server.com:80/blah.php?v=1&t=2" whereas Apache will populate the same variable with "/blah.php?v=1&t=2" in the same situation. This means the query string needs to be parsed differently. You need to test for your own usage scenarios. -- MarkR PGP public key: http://www.signal100.com/markr/pgp Key ID: C9C5C162 -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php