"Mihamina Rakotomandimby" wrote in message
Hi all,
I have a colleague stuck with this thing named "Hungarian Notation"
We try to define our internal coding standards, which is very close to the
Symfony ones http://goo.gl/f2rcO
But we're in conflict because the colleague really argue about his
"Hungarian Notation".
Have you got some ressources arguing against this? I ran out of mine to
convince him...
Take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_notation which shows
that quite a few 'big' names are against it.
I personally hate it because it ties a variable to a particular type, which
in PHP is useless as a variable is allowed to change its type 'on the fly'.
Even in a strongly typed language it can cause problems - I remember many
years ago having a variable called $numCustomerId because CustomerId was
supposed to be numeric. Then it transpired that it could actually contain
alpha characters, so it had to be a string and not a number. Changing all
occurrences of $numCustomerId to $strCustomerId was a royal PITA, but it
would have been totally confusing to allow alpha characters in a variable
that was supposed to contain nothing but numbers.
Tony Marston
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