Linux Speakup
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- spelling, was: Re: please help with bind 9.1.2, (continued)
- spelling, was: Re: please help with bind 9.1.2,
Janina Sajka
- spelling, was: Re: please help with bind 9.1.2,
Toby Fisher
- spelling, was: Re: please help with bind 9.1.2,
Charles Hallenbeck
- spelling, was: Re: please help with bind 9.1.2,
Steve Holmes
- spelling, was: Re: please help with bind 9.1.2,
Charles Hallenbeck
- spelling, was: Re: please help with bind 9.1.2,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Fw: Hearing Text, Not Tunes, on Your MP3 Player,
Alex Snow
- connection via modem to internet,
Dietmar Segbert
- [Newchix] Fwd: NEWS: MS anti-piracy push leads to Linux adoption in Taiwan (fwd),
Deedra Waters
- I preferr Linux,
pkisz at
- hmm,
Deedra Waters
- ram disk question,
Raul A. Gallegos
- I swear to tell the truth,
Igor Gueths
- Instalation of Slackware 8.0 - help!,
pkisz at
- mplayer config file,
Charles Hallenbeck
- Home networking - where do I go now?,
- I swear to tell the truth, (fwd),
Ryan Mann
- Sendmail Question,
Steve Holmes
- whoamI - a newbie of course.,
pkisz at
- Disgusting,
jwantz at
- I swear to tell the truth,,
Janina Sajka
- can speakup talk german with apolo?,
Dietmar Segbert
- Keymap for speakup and german keyboardlayout,
Dietmar Segbert
- securecrt scripts for topic,
Deedra Waters
- Off Topic but could someone do me a favor?,
Alex Snow
- Off Topic but could someone do me a favor?,
brian Moore
- Off Topic but could someone do me a favor?,
Alex Snow
- Off Topic but could someone do me a favor?,
Dan Murphy
- Off Topic but could someone do me a favor?,
brian Moore
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Rob DeZonia
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Steve Holmes
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Toby Fisher
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Mail Delivery Subcenter
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Igor Gueths
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Alex Snow
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Janina Sajka
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Brian Borowski
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Alex Snow
-, was newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Toby Fisher
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Gregory Nowak
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Kenny Hitt
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Alex Snow
- newbie battle over debian, redhat or slackware,
Ed Barnes
- Off Topic but could someone do me a favor?,
Ed Barnes
- Off Topic but could someone do me a favor?,
Steve Holmes
- newbie again: installed RedHat but Win ME won't let it even consider booting,
Liz Hare
- newbie again: installed RedHat but Win ME won't let it even consider booting,
Liz Hare
- alsa settings: I'm really mad!,
Cheryl Homiak
- anyone tried partimage,
Brian Moore
- off topic, secureCRT,
Deedra Waters
- dhcpd configuration question,
Ed Barnes
- ftp and shell access,
Deedra Waters
- Few questions about speakup,
- Few questions about speakup,
Thomas Ward
- Few questions about speakup,
Thomas Ward
advice please,
Cecil H. Whitley
How can I play these files?,
Toby Fisher
Some questions,
Dietmar Segbert
Deedra Waters
- asp,
Janina Sajka
- asp,
Deedra Waters
- asp,
Saqib Shaikh
- asp,
Deedra Waters
- asp,
Igor Gueths
- asp,
Janina Sajka
- asp,
Toby Fisher
- asp,
Alex Snow
- asp,
Toby Fisher
- Message not available
- asp,
Liz Hare
- asp,
Alex Snow
- asp,
Toby Fisher
- asp,
Deedra Waters
RPMs of new ALSA drivers now available,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
cut and paste still doesn't work,
Igor Gueths
cd audio playback,
Igor Gueths
cut and paste still doesn't work?,
Igor Gueths
mp3 to mail?,
Cheryl Homiak
make install with speakfreely; sfvod,
Cheryl Homiak
TV-now for Linux,
Watson, Keith
[Newchix] Microsoft Pushing products? maybe more towards Linux? (fwd),
Deedra Waters
saving rate,
Igor Gueths
speakup keys,
Charles Hallenbeck
Think I got rid of sfr using port on my sytem,
Cheryl Homiak
speakfreely makefile; cvs,
Cheryl Homiak
still struggling with mike settings ans phantom speakfreely connections here,
Cheryl Homiak
finally asking the right question,
Igor Gueths
possible bug,
Deedra Waters
asound.state: maybe compatability issues,
Cheryl Homiak
wav compression lib,
Igor Gueths
speakfreely: binding data socket; address already in use,
Cheryl Homiak
amixer settings,
Tyler Spivey
amixer/alsamixer: can't turn off some settings,
Cheryl Homiak
kernel vs. alsa?,
Igor Gueths
strange thing with cdda2wav when I've been running speakfreely,
Cheryl Homiak
mike with alsamixer,
Cheryl Homiak
how to get full duplex out of the standard kernel drivers,
Adam Myrow
alsa mixer seting totally ridiculous!!! just have to vent before i take a break and try again!,
Cheryl Homiak
interesting trplayer problem,
Igor Gueths
Newbie Installing Redhat,
Saqib Shaikh
Message not available
some success; half duplex,
Cheryl Homiak
multiple sound sources,
Cheryl Homiak
alsa and sblive: mixer settings needeed,
Cheryl Homiak
Copying Audio CD's,
Steve Holmes
got alsa working, but ...,
Cheryl Homiak
Dave Hunt <
trying to compile alsa,
Tyler Spivey
trying to compile and run alsa--AGAIN!,
Cheryl Homiak
modules.conf invalid lines,
Igor Gueths
modprobe problem,
Igor Gueths
thanks for all the help with speak freely, but still having problem,
Igor Gueths
trouble compiling speakfreely 7.2,
Cheryl Homiak
User space synth,
Ari Moisio
Escape, x, term, Enter.,
Dave Hunt
still having problems with aplay,
Igor Gueths
location of alsa drivers,
Charles Hallenbeck
still having problems compiling,
Igor Gueths
Mike settings,
Cheryl Homiak
speakfreely: error opening audio output,
Cheryl Homiak
compiling speakfreely 7.2,
Cheryl Homiak
aplay/arecord start-up error,
Igor Gueths
compiling Speak Freely 7.2,
Igor Gueths
Speak Freely for Unix 7.5 Pre-Release Available (fwd),
Ari Moisio
file encryption options under GNU/Linux,
Gregory Nowak
Setting up mail under Linux.,
Toby Fisher
Screen enlargement under Linux.,
Toby Fisher
newest of the newbies,
Deedra Waters
console based mp3 players,
Deedra Waters
list pride,
Charles Hallenbeck
the final scoop on downloading from bookshare with lynx,
Cheryl Homiak
Question about mandrake,
Tommy Moore
goodies cd,
Ed Barnes
As for the demo page,
Cheryl Homiak
changing lynx.cfg hasn't helped me,
Cheryl Homiak
copyright has nothing to do with my download error,
Cheryl Homiak
Tried to download a book at,
Cheryl Homiak
bookshare's explanation not correct,
Cheryl Homiak
beta kernel,
Igor Gueths
Just tried to download,
Cheryl Homiak second question,
Cheryl Homiak,
Cheryl Homiak
Is there a good CD Writing guide?,
broadcasting live right now!,
Shaun Oliver
PDF to Text?,
Doug Lawlor
darkice help,
Tommy Moore
re-compilation problem,
Igor Gueths
regular slot on angeleyez.,
Shaun Oliver
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong.,
Deedra Waters
Setting up zipspeak,
Justin Ekis
Question about using speakup and Dectalk PC2.,
Jeremy R Schmidt
Arecord produces silence.,
Toby Fisher
Specifying a port range with iptables?,
Doug Lawlor
WV installed, I think,
Keith Heltsley
Fwd: it's coming:Fw: CSUN trip report - UNIX Accessibility series & Java stuff,
John Covici
Igor Gueths
Off topic, just have to vent!,
Alex Snow
Couple of Old Questions,
Keith Heltsley
more files in goodies,
Barry Pollock
Looking for a PHP programmer (OT),
Matt Campbell
Igor Gueths
Web access system,
Tommy Moore
Cheryl Homiak
lynx accessible e-cards,
Gregory Nowak
a zip disk question,
Gregory Nowak
Speakfreely script - can't get it right!,
speakfreely variables,
Charles Hallenbeck
RMS interview (long),
Buddy Brannan
broadcasting live.,
Shaun Oliver
.avi files.,
Toby Fisher
CD burning,
Richard Villa
can't open file in packige,
rh 7.2 2.4.9-21 and sendmail problems,
Ed Barnes
nano and pine,
Charles Hallenbeck
A Nano and Pine question,
Dan Murphy
which partition active?,
needed changes to the docs,
Text typesetting, TCL, TCL/TK script languages,
R Haynie
Avi files.,
Toby Fisher
punctuation level in speakup,
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