Hi everyone, Have a couple questions. First is about Debian. When I go to the Debian section of the Speakup ftp site, is everything I need to download for a Debian installation there or do I have to go to the Debian ftp site to download any other files? Now on to Slackware. First thanks to Joe Norton if he is within the sound of my synthesizer for the excellent Installing Slackware tutorial. When I went to the Slackware ftp site and went to 8.0 there are about 25 subdirectories of files to download. Must I download them all? That could be quite a job since the average speed has been about 5K per second. lol Which of the 3 flavors I've mentioned has the easiest package installer? Thanks for letting me ramble. I want my first Linux install to be as painless as possible so that's why all the questions. Rob