Linux Speakup
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- mutt questions
- a resend of the first part of my message about Debian and Speakup
- a resend of the first part of my message about Debian and Speakup
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- a resend of the first part of my message about Debian and Speakup
- continuing the Debian and Speakup problem
- mutt questions
- So where do I get a stream player?
- So where do I get a stream player?
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- From: ccrawford at
- So where do I get a stream player?
- From: ccrawford at
- So where do I get a stream player?
- From: ccrawford at
- mutt questions
- Win4Lin Demo.
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- problem with .emacs file
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- So where do I get a stream player?
- From: ccrawford at
- test message, please ignore
- Win4Lin Demo.
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- Previously owned synthesizers...
- Synthesizer issues
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- zipslack/speak question
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- So where do I get a stream player?
- Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- So where do I get a stream player?
- So where do I get a stream player?
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- flaming and whining and complainers
- So where do I get a stream player?
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: shaun_oliver at
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: shaun_oliver at
- So where do I get a stream player?
- From: ccrawford at
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- So where do I get a stream player?
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: ccrawford at
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- So where do I get a stream player?
- From: ccrawford at
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: shaun_oliver at
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- off topic question
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: shaun_oliver at
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: shaun_oliver at
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: shaun_oliver at
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- what im here for
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- what im here for
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- zipslack/speak question
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- slackware installation
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- From: shaun_oliver at
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: shaun_oliver at
- off topic question
- Linux rules, Windows sucks!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- Linux rules, Windows sucks!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- Linux rules, Windows sucks!
- Linux rules, Windows sucks!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- basic trplayer questions
- basic trplayer questions
- basic trplayer questions
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: jwantz at
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- (rant) why microsoft is not easy to use
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: shaun_oliver at
- installing slackware and speakup on this pathetic excuse for a computer!
- off topic question
- File size limits for ext3
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- windblows, was: Re: Look Out Macintosh!
- Synthesizer issues
- problem with HD
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Look Out Macintosh!
- Synthesizer issues
- Look Out Macintosh!
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Look Out Macintosh!
- question about microsoft and linux
- incorrect directory size in listing
- partitioning hd
- incorrect directory size in listing
- mutt questions
- partitioning hd
- Synthesizer issues
- incorrect directory size in listing
- incorrect directory size in listing
- Synthesizer issues
- mutt questions
- Synthesizer issues
- Synthesizer issues
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- partitioning hd
- partitioning hd
- partitioning hd
- question about microsoft and linux
- drdos
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- Debian 3.0 Install
- File size limits for ext3
- partitioning hd
- mutt questions
- mutt questions
- partitioning hd
- partitioning hd
- mutt questions
- partitioning hd
- partitioning hd
- Synthesizer issues
- partitioning hd
- Synthesizer issues
- dos was RE: question about microsoft and linux
- partitioning hd
- laptop synth
- Synthesizer issues
- mutt questions
- drdos
- thinkpad again; ltmodem working
- question about microsoft and linux
- Synthesizer issues
- mutt questions
- question about microsoft and linux
- Synthesizer issues
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- thinkpad again; ltmodem
- speech synthesisers.
- speech synthesisers.
- From: shaun_oliver at
- question about microsoft and linux
- partitioning hd
- partitioning hd
- partitioning hd
- Synthesizer issues
- Synthesizer issues
- Synthesizer issues
- Synthesizer issues
- Synthesizer issues
- Synthesizer issues
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Synthesizer issues
- Synthesizer issues
- reflector
- dos was RE: question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- reflector
- reflector
- speak freely silent packets?
- speak freely silent packets?
- reflector
- dos was RE: question about microsoft and linux
- thinkpad again; ltmodem
- question about microsoft and linux
- lynx and cookies
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- laptop synth
- laptop synth
- Free Book About PHP Available
- reading PDF documents in lynx update
- question about microsoft and linux
- question about microsoft and linux
- getting rid of popping sounds in recordings
- From: jwantz at
- Free Book About PHP Available
- getting rid of popping sounds in recordings
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Red Hat 7.3 download sites
- is the synthasizer market dying?
- getting rid of popping sounds in recordings
- M I C Q gagin
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- Synthesizers
- is the synthasizer market dying?
- is the synthasizer market dying?
- is the synthasizer market dying?
- viavoice tts
- is the synthasizer market dying?
- is the synthasizer market dying?
- Looking for synth to use with laptop
- Looking for synth to use with laptop
- viavoice tts
- Off topic: ebook formats
- Off topic: ebook formats
- reflector
- reflector
- Off topic: ebook formats
- Off topic: ebook formats
- Off topic: ebook formats
- reflector
- Off topic: ebook formats
- Off topic: ebook formats
- Off topic: ebook formats
- got red hat installed now what for emacs speak??
- getting rid of dhcpd messages from /var/log/messages
- speak freely silent packets?
- emacs speak and a normal sound card
- redhat and graphical logins
- OT: gcc math library
- From: jwantz at
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1812 - 7 msgs
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1812 - 7 msgs
- emacs speak and a normal sound card
- redhat and graphical logins
- emacs speak and a normal sound card
- redhat and graphical logins
- SSI in apache and cgi scripts
- arecord
- SSI in apache and cgi scripts
- OT: flushing the input stream in c++
- Debian and speakup
- OT: flushing the input stream in c++
- arecord
- Computer purchase
- Computer purchase
- OT: flushing the input stream in c++
- OT: flushing the input stream in c++
- red hat 7.3 and emacs speak
- ?Re: red hat 7.3 and emacs speak
- Debian and speakup
- Driver files
- OT: gcc math library
- OT: gcc math library
- OT: gcc math library
- OT: gcc math library
- OT: gcc math library
- Driver files
- arecord
- linux and laptop modems
- linux and laptop modems
- Script-writing tutorial
- arecord
- red hat 7.3 and emacs speak
- 4. Implementing php on an apache server. (Mark Rew)
- 4. Implementing php on an apache server. (Mark Rew)
- linux and intel network cards
- linux and voice note
- linux and voice note
- linux and laptop modems
- linux and intel network cards
- linux and intel network cards
- linux and intel network cards
- peculiar ide device assignments
- Implementing php on an apache server.
- linux and laptop modems
- linux and intel network cards
- linux and intel network cards
- linux and laptop modems
- redhat isos
- mailman problems
- linux and laptop modems
- Implementing php on an apache server.
- Lame utility
- Implementing php on an apache server.
- Lame utility
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- gcc possibly broken.
- gcc possibly broken.
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Quick question Name servers
- Quick question Name servers
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Quick question Name servers
- Quick question Name servers
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux
- configuring the network after debian install.
- Thanks for the help; was samba-swat package
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- Unable to resolve named addresses.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- last test for tonight.
- From: shaun_oliver at
- testing.
- From: shaun_oliver at
- configuring the network after debian install.
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux
- configuring the network after debian install.
- Test (Email...blechk!)
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux
- From: reable at
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux
- Unable to resolve named addresses.
- S C S I problems with Zipspeak
- got it working
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- speakup with 2.5 kernels
- got it working
- From: shaun_oliver at
- Unable to resolve named addresses.
- Unable to resolve named addresses.
- Unable to resolve named addresses.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- configuring the network after debian install.
- jerky speech from doubletalk?
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- turning off relaying in exim
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- turning off relaying in exim
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- turning off relaying in exim
- turning off relaying in exim
- Set hostname.
- Reply to your enquiry
- Set hostname.
- Set hostname.
- Set hostname.
- web mail
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- network problems
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- dd option at boot command line for redhat 7.3
- kernel synth info
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- Reply to your enquiry
- jerky speech from doubletalk?
- jerky speech from doubletalk?
- slight problems with new doubletalk lt.
- installing redhat on second hd
- jerky speech from doubletalk?
- jerky speech from doubletalk?
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- thinkpad update
- jerky speech from doubletalk?
- speakup, redhat install, and comments
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Installing Emacspeak with Speakup
- debian-3.0
- speakup, redhat install, and comments
- debian-3.0
- debian-3.0
- Using another bkm file.
- inquiring about Speakup for GUI L
- Using another bkm file.
- More adventures with thinkpad and linux: install methods
- Using another bkm file.
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- Redhat Boot.img and Speakup
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Installing Emacspeak with Speakup
- Redhat Boot.img and Speakup
- More adventures with thinkpad and linux: install methods
- lynx problem
- More adventures with thinkpad and linux: install methods
- More adventures with thinkpad and linux: install methods
- lynx problem
- speech hardware needed
- gmt option in kernel
- Unzip again
- gmt option in kernel
- uct VS. local time in slackware
- Installing speakup-jfw.tar.gz
- /etc/localtime
- gmt option in kernel
- uct VS. local time in slackware
- lynx problem
- /etc/localtime
- /etc/localtime
- Installing Emacspeak with Speakup
- gmt option in kernel
- uct VS. local time in slackware
- UTC and local time
- uct VS. local time in slackware
- gmt option in kernel
- gmt option in kernel
- uct VS. local time in slackware
- Unzip again
- uct VS. local time in slackware
- Extracting cd tracks
- Unzip again
- Extracting cd tracks
- hdparm
- Unzip again
- hdparm
- Unzip again
- html help
- Unzip again
- Createing a boot/rescue disk
- Unzip again
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- unzip error
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- moving or copying
- My last message
- Extracting cd tracks
- Extracting cd tracks
- Extracting cd tracks
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- html help
- for Cecil
- html help
- control d in slackware 8.0
- html help
- html help
- a quick linux tip
- system resources usage
- a quick linux tip
- system resources usage
- a quick linux tip
- a quick linux tip
- a quick linux tip
- thinkpad: serial port working now!!!
- a quick linux tip
- a quick linux tip
- how do I use the checkout script?
- how do I use the checkout script?
- how do I use the checkout script?
- control d in slackware 8.0
- thinkpad: serial port working now!!!
- thinkpad: serial port working now!!!
- thinkpad: serial port working now!!!
- thinkpad: serial port working now!!!
- control d in slackware 8.0
- OT: Winblows and rsync
- dynamic dns
- Debian Install Disks
- Lynx and FTP
- Lynx and FTP
- moving or copying
- moving or copying
- moving or copying
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- moving or copying
- Lynx and FTP
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1777 - 16 msgs
- serial port and thinkpad
- serial port on thinkpad not showing
- moving or copying
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- serial port on thinkpad not showing
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- serial port on thinkpad not showing
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- moving or copying
- moving or copying
- moving or copying
- Running Windows 98 SE in RedHat
- Lynx and FTP
- moving or copying
- Install Debian Woody on Gateway Solo 1200 Laptop
- Debian Install Disks
- moving or copying
- Speak up and keyboard issues
- moving or copying
- Running Windows 98 SE in RedHat
- Running Windows 98 SE in RedHat
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- moving or copying
- moving or copying
- Lynx and FTP
- Thinkpad Utilities
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad
- serial port not showing on thinkpad
- moving or copying
- speakimage mirror
- removing thinkpad cdrom
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- serial port not showing on thinkpad
- serial port not showing on thinkpad
- serial port not showing on thinkpad: dmesg.txt
- serial port not showing on thinkpad
- Compile custom kernel
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- moving or copying
- moving or copying
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- removing thinkpad cdrom
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- thinkpad on or off
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- Your message to Speakup awaits moderator approval (fwd)
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- Thinkpad Orientation
- Your message to Speakup awaits moderator approval (fwd)
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- thinkpad on or off
- help with orientation to thinkpad t23
- Lynx and FTP
- Lynx and FTP
- Compile custom kernel
- Index Basica braille printer and linux
- Better speaking while in lynx
- Better speaking while in lynx
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- CVS Speakup broken
- CVS Speakup broken
- Installation question
- CVS Speakup broken
- determining the netmask
- mplayer
- ext3 problem.
- CVS Speakup broken
- mplayer
- determining the netmask
- determining the netmask
- determining the netmask
- ext3 problem.
- determining the netmask
- determining the netmask
- CVS Version of Speakup broken
- ext3 problem.
- CVS Speakup broken
- CVS Speakup broken
- CVS Speakup broken
- always some kind of glitch; was: thinkpad series (off-topic)
- CVS Speakup broken
- CVS Speakup broken
- CVS Speakup broken
- CVS Speakup broken
- mplayer
- trade
- trade
- InSTALLING RedHat from CD
- InSTALLING RedHat from CD
- cd track revisited
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1777 - 16 msgs
- InSTALLING RedHat from CD
- cd track revisited
- cd track revisited
- InSTALLING RedHat from CD
- cd track revisited
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1777 - 16 msgs
- cd track revisited
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1777 - 16 msgs
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1777 - 16 msgs
- connecting laptop to desktop: was: always some kind of glitch
- cd track revisited
- Highlight tracking
- connecting laptop to desktop: was: always some kind of glitch
- Highlight tracking
- Highlight tracking
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1777 - 16 msgs
- Speakup digest, Vol 1 #1777 - 16 msgs
- ext3 problem.
- ext3 problem.
- ext3 problem.
- Woody Distro
- connecting laptop to desktop: was: always some kind of glitch
- connecting laptop to desktop: was: always some kind of glitch
- Linux and laptops
- always some kind of glitch; was: thinkpad series (off-topic)
- always some kind of glitch; was: thinkpad series (off-topic)
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- always some kind of glitch; was: thinkpad series (off-topic)
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- always some kind of glitch; was: thinkpad series (off-topic)
- always some kind of glitch; was: thinkpad series (off-topic)
- a couple of questions about kernel 2.4.18
- a couple of questions about kernel 2.4.18
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- Woody with speakup boot floppies
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- a couple of questions about kernel 2.4.18
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- thinkpad series (off-topic)
- a couple of questions about kernel 2.4.18
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