Hi all, Now, that's irritating! Why should I use Pine if I like VM and it works just fine? I can read the HTML, but it does take an extra keystroke to do so. One shouldn't have to be afflicted with Windows idiocy on a Linux list. Go into the options of Microsoft Gumbus and UN-check HTML & and anything else except for plain blessed text!! <GRRRRRRR> i AM AFFLICTED WITH wINDOWS IN MY JOB, i DON'T HAVE TO HAVE IT ON A Linux LIST, PERIOD!! sORRY FOR THE RANT, BUT PEOPLE WHO TELL OTHERS WHAT SOFTWARE OR LATEST VERSION OF SOFTWARE TO USE ARE IRRITATING! if THE BLESSED MSGS WERE WRITTEN IN PLAIN TEXT THE WAY AN EMAIL MESSAGE IS SUPPOSED TO BE WRITTEN, THEY COULD BE READ BY ANY MAILER, EVEN Bluewave! i DON'T SUPPOSE YOU REMEMBER Bluewave? <SIGH> I'm GETTIN' OLD, I'm GETTIN' OLD!! Ann p. -- Ann K. Parsons email: akp at eznet.net ICQ Number: 33006854 WEB SITE: http://home.eznet.net/~akp "All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost." JRRT