Hi all. I recently attempted Speakfreely on my Debian box and got as far as to build it, and get audio running through sfspeaker properly from my laptop, which is also running Speakfreely. However, the problem comes when having my box send audio with sfmike. As far as I know, thesignal is not getting received by the sound card from the mic. I found this out by using arecord with the following command line: arecord -t wav -fS16_LE -c2 -r44100 test.wav. I checked the mixer settings, and the mic is at full volume capture on and muted to avoid feedback. I also set master digital and line to capture as well, bc I thought that setting master digital to capture might affect the mic input channel. After doing this, I tried arecord again with the same syntax as above, with no result. That is, the only result was a line at the top: recording test.wav, then stating number of channels, and sampling rate in hz. What kept changing was the value measured in ms (don't know if that is related to volume level, or what). Am I missing something here in terms of what I should set to capture in the amixer controlls? Thanks in advance! microsoft dialogue This company has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, delete winblows and install linux close button