Linux Speakup
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linux notetaker,
David Poehlman
linux notetaker,
eh51 at
Linux notetaker,
Whitley GS11 Cecil H
Linux notetaker,
trippletalk status?,
Jacob Schmude
Usrdev driver update,
Owen Patrick Smith
Latest CVS Updates,
Steve Holmes
mo.valli at
dectalk punctuation delay,
Lorenzo Prince
cvs mailing list,
Kirk Reiser
new generic speakup map,
Kirk Reiser
punctuation delay after restarting dectalk,
Igor Gueths
keymap problems,
Joseph C. Lininger
- keymap problems,
Adam Myrow
- VMWare?,
Charles Crawford
- VMWare?,
John covici
- VMWare?,
Thomas D. Ward
- VMWare?,
Charles Crawford
- VMWare?,
Aaron Howell
- VMWare?,
Mitchell Smith
- VMWare?,
Buddy Brannan
- VMWare?,
Mitchell Smith
- not direcetly related, but may be of interest to someone.,
- not direcetly related, but may be of interest to someone.,
Glenn Ervinat home
- VMWare?,
Thomas D. Ward
- VMWare?,
Lorenzo Prince
- VMWare?,
Thomas D. Ward
- VMWare?,
Charles Crawford
- VMWare?,
Patrick Turnage
- VMWare?,
Thomas D. Ward
- VMWare?,
Janina Sajka
- VMWare?,
Thomas D. Ward
keymap of speakup and kernel 2.4.20,
Dietmar Segbert
Sleep question,
Mike Keithley
redhat problems,
Nick Gawronski
- redhat problems,
Luke Davis
- redhat problems,
Janina Sajka
- redhat problems,
Thomas D. Ward
- redhat problems,
Luke Davis
- redhat problems,
Thomas D. Ward
- redhat problems,
Janina Sajka
- redhat problems,
Luke Davis
- redhat problems,
Janina Sajka
- redhat problems,
Luke Davis
- redhat problems,
Adam Myrow
- redhat problems,
Thomas D. Ward
- redhat problems,
William Loughborough
- redhat problems,
Janina Sajka
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Luke Davis
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Saqib Shaikh
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Lorenzo Prince
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Saqib Shaikh
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Gregory Nowak
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Luke Davis
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Thomas D. Ward
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Thomas D. Ward
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Janina Sajka
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Thomas D. Ward
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Janina Sajka
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Luke Davis
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Janina Sajka
- Kernel/user space (Was: Re: redhat problems),
Scott Howell
- redhat problems,
Patrick Turnage
- redhat problems,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- redhat problems,
Kirk Reiser
- redhat problems,
Lorenzo Prince
- redhat problems,
Thomas D. Ward
- redhat problems,
Lorenzo Prince
- redhat problems,
Nick Gawronski
- <Possible follow-ups>
- redhat problems,
Whitley GS11 Cecil H
Fwd: Caiviar and TTS with Festival,
Doug Sutherland
faking user agent to internet exploder,
Igor Gueths
redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Don Raikes
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Aaron Howell
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Darrell Shandrow
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Aaron Howell
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Darrell Shandrow
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Darrell Shandrow
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Thomas D. Ward
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Lorenzo Prince
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Thomas Stivers
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Luke Davis
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Thomas Stivers
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Thomas D. Ward
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Aaron Howell
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Luke Davis
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Lorenzo Prince
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Lorenzo Prince
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
Buddy Brannan
- redHat advanced server 2.0 and speakup,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
speakup 1.5 question,
Thomas Stivers
using speakup with festival or flite,
Don Raikes
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Doug Sutherland
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Jacob Schmude
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Doug Sutherland
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Jacob Schmude
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Lorenzo Prince
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Doug Sutherland
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Lorenzo Prince
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Christopher Moore
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Steve Holmes
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Adam Myrow
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Lorenzo Prince
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Christopher Moore
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Lorenzo Prince
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Christopher Moore
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Thomas D. Ward
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Lorenzo Prince
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Thomas D. Ward
- using speakup with festival or flite,
rmann at
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Thomas D. Ward
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Lorenzo Prince
- using speakup with festival or flite,
Thomas D. Ward
speakup version 1.5 announcement!,
Gene Collins
redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Nick Gawronski
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Adam Myrow
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Thomas D. Ward
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Nick Gawronski
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Thomas D. Ward
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Nick Gawronski
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Nick Gawronski
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Thomas D. Ward
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Lorenzo Prince
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Lorenzo Prince
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
Janina Sajka
- <Possible follow-ups>
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
mo.valli at
- redhat linux 9 and speakup,
mo.valli at
new speakup-1.5 tarball and cvs shake down coming soon. Very soon.,
Kirk Reiser
software modem init strings,
Chuck Hallenbeck
ACPI configuration,
Lorenzo Prince
speakup news,
Lorenzo Prince
<Possible follow-ups>
speakup news,
Speakup with RH 8.0,
Tommy Moore
This sucks!,
Adam Myrow
mgetty/sendfax slackware package,
Gregory Nowak
usrdev driver,
Michael Curran
My prev. msg re: MP3 player,
Buddy Brannan
[sj5770@xxxxxxxxxxxxx: Fw: A Terrific Deal on A CD/MP3 Player],
Buddy Brannan
Small PCs,
Installing Speakup Mods (Part 3),
Installing Speakup Mods (Part 1),
Installing Speakup Mods (Part 2),
quick tip #1: including subshell number in prompt,
Tyler Spivey
why two disable speakup keys?,
Christopher Moore
HELP!!! Can't compile speakup in Slackware kernel,
Lorenzo Prince
Speakup/Festival Config Question,
smooth progress but still some problems,
igueths at
sendmail strangeness,
christopher.h.moore at
Suggested Documentation Changes,
Doug Sutherland
Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Doug Sutherland
Problems Patching for Festival Mods,
Doug Sutherland
RedHat 9 and RHCE,
Whitley GS11 Cecil H
ocrxtr recognision software,
Christopher Moore
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Thomas D. Ward
- ocrxtr recognision software,
ccrawford at
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Terry Klarich
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Terry Klarich
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Alex Snow
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Igor Gueths
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Adam Myrow
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Igor Gueths
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Thomas D. Ward
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Adam Myrow
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Thomas D. Ward
- Slackware VS. Redhat (was Re: ocrxtr recognision software),
Adam Myrow
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Alex Snow
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Thomas D. Ward
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Terry Klarich
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Thomas D. Ward
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Alex Snow
- ocrxtr recognision software,
Thomas D. Ward
- ocrxtr recognision software,
ccrawford at
redhat 9.0 howto,
Bue Vester-Andersen
slackware 9.0 sendmail strangeness,
Jacob Schmude
linux news sites?,
Tyler Spivey
Accent driver disk,
Alex Snow
syslog and festival patch,
Michael Curran
second festival patch - middleware,
Michael Curran
Pine problem,
Mike Keithley
another problem,
Igor Gueths
The second festival patch not working,
Michael Curran
unable to boot system! Why?,
Igor Gueths
mpg321 and slackware 9.0,
Gregory Nowak
networking PC and laptop,
Lorenzo Prince
Crysis over,
Geoff Shang
Slick Booting (Part 2),
Slick Booting (Part 1),
RH9 disks on the net.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Darrell Shandrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Luke Davis
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Luke Davis
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Luke Davis
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Aaron Howell
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Aaron Howell
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Aaron Howell
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Adam Myrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Aaron Howell
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Darrell Shandrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Shaun Oliver
- RH9 disks on the net.,
ccrawford at
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Shaun Oliver
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Steve Holmes
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Thomas D. Ward
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Gregory Nowak
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Adam Myrow
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Doug Sutherland
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Gregory Nowak
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Doug Sutherland
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Lorenzo Prince
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Doug Sutherland
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Luke Davis
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Doug Sutherland
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Luke Davis
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Doug Sutherland
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Lorenzo Prince
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Luke Davis
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Alex Snow
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Thomas D. Ward
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Buddy Brannan
- Linux distros (was Re: RH9 disks on the net.),
Alex Snow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Thomas D. Ward
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Darrell Shandrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Gregory Nowak
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Darrell Shandrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Charles Crawford
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Shaun Oliver
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Shaun Oliver
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Darrell Shandrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Aaron Howell
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Darrell Shandrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Tommy Moore
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Darrell Shandrow
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Aaron Howell
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Lorenzo Prince
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Aaron Howell
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Luke Davis
- RH9 disks on the net.,
ccrawford at
- RH9 disks on the net.,
ccrawford at
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Janina Sajka
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Gregory Nowak
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Steve Holmes
- RH9 disks on the net.,
Thomas D. Ward
RH9 disks on the net.,
Thomas D. Ward
RH8 disks out of sync on Bumpy.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
Geoff Shang
crond with slackware 9.0 question,
Gregory Nowak
can't start apache after upgrading,
Gregory Nowak
Jacob Schmude
Braille Blazer,
Erik Heil
Daylight savings time.,
Alex Snow
changing filesystems,
Alex Snow
Slack 9 problems!!!,
Thomas D. Ward
installing Slackware 9.0 on a laptop,
Lorenzo Prince
braille blazer works fine in gnu/linux,
Gregory Nowak
not loading the speakup driver,
Terry Klarich
partition problems solved, and how i solved them,
Tyler Spivey
Key echo,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Key echo,
mikster4 at
Red Hat 9.0 iso iamges,
Tommy Moore
Here's a useful resource,
Buddy Brannan
totally off topic and somewhat adult,
Chuck Hallenbeck
A Second Festival Module for Speakup,
Owen Patrick Smith
want to pay bills online in Linux,
Lorenzo Prince
blazer still doesn't work,
Igor Gueths
mutt question.,
Aaron Howell
setting the mtu value in that other os.,
Shaun Oliver
Baseball approaches,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
dead box,
Scott Howell
test- please ignore,
rmann at
testing links with javascript,
Igor Gueths
trying to test links with javascript,
Igor Gueths
Which linux distro??,
Mirabella, Mathew J
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