Actually, I guess they just added the linux component this year to my networking classes, since they didn't offer any last year at all, and I was quite surprised because they are a site for Microsoft certification testing. Don't worry, I sometimes have the same reaction when windows is crapping out on me. I've invested a few bucks in one of those foam hammer thingies that you stick to your monitor, so that if you ever have the urge to do some serious damage to the pc cause of a crash or something, you just grab the little mallet and start beating away. Good thing is nothing damaged in the end, and its sure helps bring the blood pressure back under control. You might want to try finding one of those at staples, best buy, or circuit city. In fact, I recommend that to everyone I know that have windows problems, and it seems to make them more pleasant to be around after a few days. Smile. Jason Symes kids in the backseat can cause accidents, but accidents in the back seat can cause kids The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale. (Arthur C. Clarke) if you stand for nothing you're liable to fall for anything. If it weren't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all! Just trying to plug away!