Hi Because support for the 'l' and the 'w' commands have to be initiated in the start up script for Speakfreely with a 'html' statement, I'm having difficulty in getting it working. I can only assume that it is in the wrong location of the script. Could someone correct it please? #!/bin/sh SPEAKFREE_LWL_HTML=lwl.braille.uwo.ca/speakup.html export SPEAKFREE_LWL_TELL="lwl.braille.uwo.ca" export SPEAKFREE_ID="sweet-tea : gena at gena-j.net : 07951196268 : UK" sfspeaker -j & sfspeaker -j -p4074 & sfmike lwl.braille.uwo.ca:4074 export 'SPEAKFREE_LWL_HTML'=lwl.braille.uwo.ca/speakup.html killall sfspeaker export 'SPEAKFREE_LWL_HTML'=lwl.braille.uwo.ca/speakup.html I have tried several locations but I can't get it to work. Gena Blindness Advocacy and Self Help Online www.bashonline.org