Hi all. I recently upgraded from alsa beta9 to alsa beta11, hoping to try to fix the issues I am having with playing wav files with aplay, trplayer, and possibly freeamp but I don't think so. By looking around in the /lib/modules/2.4.18 tree, I found that my sound card module is located in /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x. I go into this dorectory, and type modprobe snd-cs4236. Modprobe then complains that it can't find that module, but its obviously there. I never had to edit modules.conf with beta9, I could always load the modules manually with modprobe. Why can't I do this with beta11? I can edit modules.conf, but I don't really want to if I don't have to. Its not that I don't know how to do it, I just want to eliminate as much room for error as possible. Thanks for any ideas on this!