Hi, Old Bil? I remind you again that I'm three whole months younger than you are. <great big grin> I'm not such a stickler for spelling, but as chuck points out, the synth is much more pleasant to listen to when there aren't spellos in the text. Creative misspelling can be lots of fun such as when you refer to a machine with two operating systems as "d u e l" boot, or when more than a few of us call that other OS "w i n d o z e". I have an Audapter. It can even tell that a certain bloke from down-under writes the letter U instead of spelling out the word "y o u". I'm not advocating that folks learn to spell, heck, I never did. But modern mailers make it so easy to fix the errors almost automatically. I can second what Chuck says about how running the spelchecker often makes it run faster. <grin> 73. Bill On Sat, 4 May 2002, Ann Parsons wrote: > Hi all, > > Now, old Bill, I fully admit that these isn't spelled like cheese, > even though it sounds like it ought to be. However, unless there's an > extreme blooper like the poster who assured a budding concern that > their registry personnel must be on "autopilate", I think we can > interpret pretty well. I do agree that folks should use spell > checkers, but since I don't myself, at least not within email msgs, I > can't throw any stones. The walls of my house are made of glass. > > Ann P. > >