Hi all. Has anyone experienced the following problem with alsa 0.9.0beta12? Both left and right channels for CD are set at 100% and playback is on, in other words unmuted. When I go to play a Cd using two different console-based Cd players that I have, they both output only to the left channel. However, upon listening to the audio with headphones and using alsamixer to adjust values in realtime, I saw that at 100%, the right channel was sounding hollow, not fully unmuted. It sounds like if you take a diskman, turn the volume all the way up, and put the headphones far away from you. If I go to play an mp3/wav/any other filetype, the audio comes out fine through the two channels like its supposed to. Would anyone have any ideas as to how I could make the right channel sound like the left one in terms of Cd audio playback? Thanks for any input on this!