Sorry to post such lame questions but I will be leaving town this weekend and am busily trying to unsub from lists, pack an a host of other things. Here goes, and please reply off list to: keithh432 at I'll be checking that email until Saturday evening. I know there is a way to convert MSWord documents to plain text, what was that program? If it is on the Gooddies CD, Janina, give me some tips on installing/using it. I'll need it. I think I may now have a working modem installed, can someone explain the use of eznet to set up a PPP connection? Is there a better, or more documented way? There aren't any man pages on eznet, at least not that I found. Is there a good howto on possibly doing some resource sharing? I have a null modem cable, how might I use to swap info between computers? I'm thinking that I may be able to crunch Word documents on a windows box and do a serial transfer to my RedHat box. I might consider making into a dual boot system but wouldn't that mean wiping RedHat, loading Win98 then putting RH back on a separate partition? Doable, but sounds like a lot of work. Well, gotta go and take care of some other lose ends. from Keith H.keithh432 at