Aaron, Janina and interested listers, I am encouraged by Linux and the information you folks have shared on the matrix of the user interface with respect to X programs. I do understand the difference between applications interfaces, data manipulation and storage, and presentation versus internal program operations. Having said this and at the risk of incurring concerns from those who are highly dedicated to Linux, I really have to point out that objective and observed behavior of a program tells the story stripped of conjecture and what might happen in the sweet bye and bye. If there are applications running on Linux in the X environment and those applications do not run on the console, then there is a reason for that. Attacking the reason is just as important in the Linux world as it is in the Windows world. Discrimination and lack of employment are just as ugly irrespective of what OS is involved. So, our chances are much higher in Linux to correct issues before they become entrenched as they are in Windows. If we don't aggressively move to do that, then we only will have ourselves to blame for having relied upon wishful thinking rather than consumer involvement to secure our futures. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. -- charlie Crawford.