Linux Speakup
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- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Gregg,Re: Using TAR
- mutt
- .bashrc
- popping mail
- From: gshang at
- SuSE Distribution
- popping mail
- SuSE Distribution
- zip Drive and Linux please bear with me!
- Speakfreely Reflect
- From: gshang at
- Screen and Speakup-1.0
- zip Drive and Linux please bear with me!
- Speakfreely Reflect
- Aip Drive and Linux please bear with me!
- SuSE Distribution
- Aip Drive and Linux please bear with me!
- Pine Question
- From: gshang at
- Pine Question
- .bashrc
- From: gshang at
- mutt
- Pine Question
- mutt
- mutt
- Screen and Speakup-1.0
- .bashrc
- Using tar
- Aip Drive and Linux please bear with me!
- mutt
- .bashrc
- Aip Drive and Linux please bear with me!
- Using TAR
- mutt
- email programs: was: mutt
- .bashrc
- mutt
- mutt
- email programs: was: mutt
- .bashrc
- From: gshang at
- .bashrc
- .bashrc
- speak_freely 7.2 MakeFile
- From: gshang at
- speak_freely 7.2 MakeFile
- mutt
- New and in need of help.
- mutt
- New and in need of help.
- OCR under Linux
- mutt
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- mutt
- mutt
- Screen and Speakup-1.0
- Screen and Speakup-1.0
- "display-filters" in pine 4.33
- mutt
- New and in need of help.
- Using tar
- Using tar
- From: gshang at
- .bashrc
- .bashrc
- New and in need of help.
- .bashrc
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Using TAR
- mutt
- "display-filters" in pine 4.33
- .bashrc
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- .bashrc
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- mutt
- html mail...
- New and in need of help.
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- New and in need of help.
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- uuencode
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- CVS (was Re: Speak Freely and Reflector)
- html mail...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- mutt
- html mail...
- html mail...
- html mail...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- uuencode
- spell checking mail, was: Re: apology to the list
- apology to the list
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help. (fwd)
- CVS (was Re: Speak Freely and Reflector)
- uuencode
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- Port Forwarding with 2.2 kernel
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- mutt
- a few comments on the speakup howto
- html mail...
- tip:Re: So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- spell checking mail, was: Re: apology to the list
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- apology to the list
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- html mail...
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- html mail...
- html mail...
- tip:Re: So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- html mail...
- cddb Woes
- html mail...
- html mail...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- html mail...
- html mail...
- html mail...
- html mail...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- cddb Woes
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- apology to the list
- html mail...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- html mail...
- cddb Woes
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- living in someone wlse's world
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- cddb Woes
- From: jwantz at
- html mail...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- (no subject)
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- a few comments on the speakup howto
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- customizing Redhat firewall
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- customizing Redhat firewall
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- IBM VIA voice for Linux
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- customizing Redhat firewall
- Speakup HowTo - Appologies
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- So much Windows Mailer crap on this list...
- Speakup HowTo - Appologies
- Speakup HowTo - Your input
- cddb
- customizing Redhat firewall
- Port Forwarding with 2.2 kernel
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- IBM VIA voice for Linux
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- sony playstation has linux
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Speak Freely and Reflector
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- New and in need of help. (fwd)
- sony playstation has linux
- From: ddunfee at
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- Unloading Linux
- Accessible JAVA Development Tools
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- checkout script
- checkout script
- IBM VIA voice for Linux
- cddb
- cddb
- cddb
- From: jwantz at
- Unloading Linux
- IBM VIA voice for Linux
- IBM VIA voice for Linux
- Perhaps OT but interesting
- IBM VIA voice for Linux
- A Sad day for us in Canada, and who knows elsewhere!
- Need url for access to gnome?
- text to speech
- HTML email (was Unloading Linux)
- unloading linux (again)
- pine and html
- A Sad day for us in Canada, and who knows elsewhere!
- FWD: Linux VS Windows
- Need url for access to gnome?
- Unloading Linux
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Redhat 7.2 and Speakup
- Unloading Linux
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- Unloading Linux
- A Sad day for us in Canada, and who knows elsewhere!
- A Sad day for us in Canada, and who knows elsewhere!
- IBM VIA voice for Linux
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- A Sad day for us in Canada, and who knows elsewhere!
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- A Sad day for us in Canada, and who knows elsewhere!
- A Sad day for us in Canada, and who knows elsewhere!
- Unloading Linux
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- Unloading Linux
- Fw: UNIX Accessibility series at CSUN, March 21, 2002
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- Unloading Linux
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- speed of kernel
- Unloading Linux
- Unloading Linux
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- Speak Freely and Reflector
- Speak Freely and Reflector
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- New and in need of help.
- Fw: UNIX Accessibility series at CSUN, March 21, 2002
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- [webwatch] Fw: on-line GPS presentation (fwd)
- ppp & cdrw access
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- Is this normal?
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- Is this normal?
- New and in need of help.
- Is this normal?
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- Is this normal?
- New and in need of help.
- RH 6.2 Versus RH 7.2
- Is this normal?
- New and in need of help.
- New and in need of help.
- Is this normal?
- New and in need of help.
- GPS presentation
- [webwatch] Fw: on-line GPS presentation (fwd)
- Is this mormal?
- Is this mormal?
- [webwatch] Fw: on-line GPS presentation (fwd)
- Playing sound when new mail arrives.
- ppp & cdrw access
- Playing sound when new mail arrives.
- ppp & cdrw access
- ppp & cdrw access
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Thanks to All of you
- I know this is primarlya Linux list!
- From: ddunfee at
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Development cost proposal needed.
- Development cost proposal needed.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Development cost proposal needed.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- question for the list.
- cvs temporarily fixed
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Paching problems.
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Paching problems.
- Audio Galaxy
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- question for the list.
- I know this is primarlya Linux list!
- question for the list.
- question for the list.
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- I know this is primarlya Linux list!
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Speakup and Mandrake
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- development questions
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Speakup added to another distro
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- development questions
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- development questions
- development questions
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Speakup added to another distro
- Speakup and Mandrake
- development questions
- What I did on my summer holidays.
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- development questions
- development questions
- development questions
- Speakup hot keys
- Speakup and Mandrake
- development questions
- development questions
- development questions
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- development questions
- Speakup and Mandrake
- development questions
- Speakup hot keys
- Speakup hot keys
- Speakup hot keys
- development questions
- Speakup and Mandrake
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Free software discussion
- test
- Time webb sites
- development questions
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Speakup and Mandrake
- time web sites
- From: ddunfee at
- Another testRe: Mandrake 8.1 distro
- Speakup and Mandrake
- Mandrake 8.1 distro
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Mandrake 8.1 distro
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Mandrake 8.1 distro
- test
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- reader service
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Speakup added to another distro
- Richard Stallman on Free Software
- Speakup added to another distro
- test
- Time webb sites
- Development cost proposal needed.
- Development cost proposal needed.
- (off-topic) ADA
- Speakup and Mandrake
- reader service
- reader service
- reader service
- Speakup added to another distro
- Speakup added to another distro
- Development cost proposal needed.
- Speakup added to another distro
- Long term accessibility (was: Re: Development cost proposal needed.)
- Speakup added to another distro
- Speakup added to another distro
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Mandrake 8.1 distro
- Mandrake 8.1 distro
- Mandrake 8.1 distro
- LinuxWorld Borland to kick off C++ for Linux strategy.htm
- Speakup added to another distro
- Speakup added to another distro
- Speakup added to another distro
- Checkout Problems
- (off-topic) Reader Services
- LinuxWorld Borland to kick off C++ for Linux strategy.htm
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind us
- (off-topic) Reader Services
- (off-topic) Reader Services
- (off-topic) Reader Services
- (off-topic) Reader Services
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind us
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind us
- secure crt (was Re: Tracking the Cursor in PuTTY (fwd))
- (off-topic) Reader Services
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind us
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- (off-topic) Reader Services
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- (off-topic) ADA
- Development cost proposal needed.
- secure crt (was Re: Tracking the Cursor in PuTTY (fwd))
- Tracking the Cursor in PuTTY (fwd)
- Tracking the Cursor in PuTTY (fwd)
- Development cost proposal needed.
- suggestion (fwd)
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Checkout Problems
- Development cost proposal needed.
- Development cost proposal needed.
- (off-topic) ADA
- (off-topic) ADA
- Play Station 2 and Linux
- Development cost proposal needed.
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Play Station 2 and Linux
- log entry question on sshd
- log entry question on sshd
- log entry question on sshd
- A dumb question
- A dumb question
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- suggestion (fwd)
- Command to make kernel patch
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Any clue as to what this is and how to fix it?news (urgent): possible expire problems (fwd)
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Daisy Project was, Re: Need Moderator Help
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- (off-topic) ADA
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Play Station 2 and Linux
- log entry question on sshd
- Speakup With Kernel Compile
- Infoworld Article: AOL quashes Red Hat purchase rumors
- From: stephen.dawes at
- (off-topic) ADA
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users
- Speakup With Kernel Compile
- Speakup With Kernel Compile
- log entry question on sshd
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Speakup With Kernel Compile
- Speakup With Kernel Compile
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Any idea what this means?
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- bind listening on 1 ip address
- AOL & RedHat
- Configuring pppoe under Red Hat
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- bind listening on 1 ip address
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- On the subject of ease of use....
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- bind listening on 1 ip address
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- On the subject of ease of use....
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- On the subject of ease of use....
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Daisy Project was, Re: Need Moderator Help
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- runlevel 5 was Re: Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- gnopernicus
- HD now okay but no CDROM
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Configuring pppoe under Red Hat
- gnopernicus
- ftp site to download from the net
- HD now okay but no CDROM
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Configuring pppoe under Red Hat
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Need Moderator Help
- news readers with linux
- HD now okay but no CDROM
- Needs educateingRE: Message from Linux (fwd)
- gnopernicus
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)
- news readers with linux
- gnopernicus
- ftp site to download from the net
- Eudora address book conversion?
- Making Speakup Optional
- Making Speakup Optional
- gnopernicus
- Any clue as to what this is and how to fix it?news (urgent): possible expire problems (fwd)
- Making Speakup Optional
- Any clue as to what this is and how to fix it?news (urgent): possible expire problems (fwd)
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
-, was: Re: Mandrake 8.1 problem
- Making Speakup Optional
- gnopernicus
- logging into mandrake textually
- Eudora address book conversion?
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- installing debian using speakup
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Making Speakup Optional
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- this worries me.Forwarded attachment...
- this worries me.Forwarded attachment...
- installing debian using speakup
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- installing debian using speakup
- Eudora address book conversion?
- log entry question on sshd
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- Need Moderator Help
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- log entry question on sshd
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- Update: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Speakup chokes on long resitations.
- Mandrake 8.1 problem
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Answers: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Update: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Update: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Update: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Update: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Update: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Update: was Slackware 8.0 install error
- Slackware 8.0 install error
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Slackware 8.0 install error
- Slackware 8.0 install error
- Slackware 8.0 install error
- Slackware 8.0 install error
- Slackware 8.0 install error
- this worries me.Forwarded attachment...
- Slackware 8.0 install error
- sources-list
- sources-list
- Will Redhat Become a Division of AOL Time-Warner?
- Slackware 8.0 install error
[Index of Archives]
[Linux for the Blind]
[Fedora Development]
[KDE Users]
[Linux Kernel]