A few months back I purchased one from Pogo Linux http://www.pogolinux.com/ It had very good components, and with the latests version of Red Hat already installed and ready to go. Everything worked right out of the box. No configuration problems, no installation troubles. A few days before they shipped, I called and wanted to change my order to add another component. They not only added it, but shipped without waiting for my check. Very nice people to work with. Ron Anna Schneider wrote: > > Hi everyone. My name is Anna Schneider and I just signed on to this list. > I'm on the blinux-newbie list too. I am planning to buy a new computer, > my first in several years, soon and I want to go Linux but I don't > actually know much about how to go about this. What I do know is I hate > windows and voice output for windows. I have a lot of questions though, > some of which may seem very silly, but I don't know where else to ask. My > attempts to get help on the other list seem to have petered out and I'm > not sure why. > > I am fairly sure of my specific needs in a system t this point, I just > don't know of how to go about investigating those needs. I also need to > be referred to some basic documentation or a Linux dictionary or something > because I don't know the terminology. For example, what is a kernel? > > If anyone here has the time and is willing to walk me through this > process, I would really really appreciate it. I will probably be starting > a small business soon too which is one reason why getting this taken care > of is an imperative. > > Thank you very much. > > Anna > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup -- Ron Marriage Homepage http://www.seidata.com/~marriage/ Email mailto:marriage at seidata.com Linux User Group http://www.seidata.com/~seilug/ Blind Links http://www.seidata.com/~marriage/rblind.html