Hi: It's an .ogg file. You can get the vorbis input plugin from www.vorbis.com - go to downloads and to windows. Folks, vorbis is the free, open, patentless, free of royalties lossy audio compression codec that already out-performs MP3 and is still improving. If you aren't equiped to handle this format yet, I highly recommend doing so. For linux, you can get redhat RPM's from vorbis.com as well as source tarballs. You need libogg, libvorbis, libao, vorbis-tools and, if you want to use the ogg123 player, you need to get curl from elsewhere (this need isn't documented). People running Debian Syd can get the vorbis-tools package and the rest should take care of itself. If 1.0rc3 hasnt' appeared in woody yet, it should have by now, it will soon. Let me know if you have any queries. Geoff.