There is really a quite simple explaination for this move. AOL took a brief venture into the set top box arena. They decided that windows ce was not stable enough for their market and thus set the stage for the falling out between them and m$. Now there are two clear market leaders in embeded linux. The first is Lineo and the other being RedHat. Now if you think for a split second (with a clear head) you can see some clues: 1) AOL has previously expressed interest in dedicated inet boxes. 2) AOL combined with Time/Warner to access the cable internet market. 3) AOL purchased Netscape and has supported continued development. 4) AOL is in negotiations with a leader in embeded linux 5) AOL will be able to avoid lisense fees for all this technology. 6) Linux is nowhere near being for the masses. There just may be a reason AOL is looking to buy RedHat. I am sure it has nothing to do with the plot to make all blind people work in mines or massage parlors. It may be related to their desire to force all the blind folk back to the company they spar with in court on a regular basis though. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at Nowlan's Theory: He who hesitates is not only lost, but several miles from the next freeway exit.