The gap certainly isn't as large as many would like to believe. Especially if you talk about those who can work with many programs. Heck, from what I have seen, you either learn some basic programming skill, or wait for someone to write the script in JFW. Now in all fairness m$ can't win in the arena anyway. They purchased the technology that Hinter-Joyce used back in win95 days. They just couldn't get things as well as they needed to be. They kept working and this is where msaa came into the picture. But you should have heard the screams when basic screen reader functionality was announced as part of win2k. There was some screaming over the magnifier in win98. First, the screams because the OS isn't accessible. Then the screams cause they would bankrupt the companies that formed to fix the first problem. Not to mention that the companies can't agree on an interface to the OS. It is a big benefit that companies aren't forming to provide access to Linux. This way the guts will be standard and the user interface will be the only variance. (Much as there are many interfaces to cdrecord, yet only one main package in use for recording cds.) ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at Nowlan's Theory: He who hesitates is not only lost, but several miles from the next freeway exit.