First, the people who are really driving linux ae not in a compitition with m$. They are trying to create the best platform for computing that they can. It just happens that they end up being compared to windows. They certainly wish to be better and faster as this is one indication when they are at least in the ball park. As for getting in on the ground floor, I suppose you again can sit and whine. Or you can go check out and offer what you can to help a project out. All the talk of getting in on the ground floor though is kind of in the face of reality. X windows has been arround for awhile now. Gnome has been arround for awhile. It does happen that speech is being included on the major re-write of gnome. There are many things being included that previously weren't. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at Nowlan's Theory: He who hesitates is not only lost, but several miles from the next freeway exit.