CEPH Filesystem Users
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- Re: Large rbd, (continued)
- RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
David Caro
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Matt Wilder
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Eugen Block
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Jason Dillaman
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- Re: RBD-Mirror Snapshot Backup Image Uses,
Adam Boyhan
- cephadm db_slots and wal_slots ignored,
Schweiss, Chip
- RBD on windows,
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
- Nautilus Cluster Struggling to Come Back Online,
William Law
- [Query] Safe to discard bucket lock objects in reshard pool?,
Prasad Krishnan
- Samsung PM883 3.84TB SSD performance,
cephfs: massive drop in MDS requests per second with increasing number of caps,
Dietmar Rieder
Dashboard : Block image listing and infos,
Gilles Mocellin
RBD image size in prometheus,
Seena Fallah
librbd::DiffIterate: diff_object_map: failed to load object map rbd_object_map.,
Rafael Diaz Maurin
Python API mon_comand(),
Robert Sander
.rgw.root was created wit a lot of PG,
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
Decoding pgmap,
George Shuklin
Latency spike investigations on all SSD hardware cluster,
Martin Hronek
Centos 8 2021 with ceph, how to move forward?,
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
radosgw-admin sync status takes ages to print output,
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
OSDs in pool full : can't restart to clean,
Paul Mezzanini
How to reset an OSD,
Pfannes, Fabian
Question about osdmap,
Andrea Bolzonella
Unable to cancel buckets from resharding queue,
Wout van Heeswijk
Global AVAIL vs Pool MAX AVAIL,
Mark Johnson
"ceph orch restart mgr" command creates mgr restart loop,
Chris Read
denied reconnect attempt for ceph fs client,
Frank Schilder
DocuBetter Meeting This Week -- 13 Jan 2021 1730 UTC,
John Zachary Dover
bluefs_buffered_io=false performance regression,
Robert Sander
[cephadm] Point release minor updates block themselves infinitely,
Paul Browne
Which version of Ceph fully supports CephFS Snapshot?,
Snaptrim making cluster unusable,
Pascal Ehlert
Nautils BlueStore OSDs will not start,
William Law
osd gradual reweight question,
RBD Image can't be formatted - blk_error,
Ceph orch syntax to create OSD on a partition?,
Marc Spencer
[cinder] Cinder & Ceph Integration Error: No Valid Backend,
safest way to remove a host from Mimic,
Adrian Nicolae
Storage down due to MON sync very slow,
Frank Schilder
performance impact by pool deletion?,
Scheurer François
Updating Git Submodules -- a documentation question,
John Zachary Dover
cephadm cluster move /var/lib/docker to separate device fails,
Karsten Nielsen
Timeout ceph rbd-nbd mounted image,
Ceph RadosGW & OpenStack swift problem,
Mika Saari
RGW SSL key in config database,
Glen Baars
Compression of data in existing cephfs EC pool,
Paul Mezzanini
radosgw sync using more capacity on secondary than on master zone,
Scheurer François
Sequence replacing a failed OSD disk?,
Rainer Krienke
High read IO on RocksDB/WAL since upgrade to Octopus,
Glen Baars
logging to stdout/stderr causes huge container log file,
Tony Liu
radosgw bucket index issue,
Fox, Kevin M
Nautilus Health Metrics,
Copying data from OneFS source to CEPHFS both shared via SAMBA,
Oskari Koivisto
device management and failure prediction,
Suresh Rama
What is the specific meaning "total_time" in RGW ops log,
Recreate pool device_health_metrics,
Victor Rodriguez
Random heartbeat_map timed out,
Seena Fallah
krbd cache quesitions,
cephadm cluster issues,
Duncan Bellamy
after octopus cluster reinstall, rbd map fails with timeout,
Philip Brown
Failing OSD RocksDB Corrupt,
Ashley Merrick
Ceph rgw & dashboard problem,
Mika Saari
Can big data use Ceph?,
kvm vm cephfs mount hangs on osd node (something like umount -l available?) (help wanted going to production),
Marc Roos
friendly warning about death by container versions,
Philip Brown
Cephfs mount hangs,
Marc Roos
Removing secondary data pool from mds,
Michael Thomas
guide to multi-homed hosts, for Octopus?,
Philip Brown
Ceph with Firewall,
Seena Fallah
python API,
Vladimir Prokofev
Issues upgrading from ceph 15.2.7 to 15.2.8 related to cephadm pull,
David Orman
New cephadm install, OSD down after a few hours,
Jie Zhang
Is there a command to update a client with a new generated key?,
Marc Roos
failed to process reshard logs,
Seena Fallah
PG inconsistent with empty inconsistent objects,
Seena Fallah
OSD spec db_devices: rotational: 0 not working in 15.2.7,
David Orman
Clearing contents of OSDs without removing them?,
Dallas Jones
Change MON IP in containerized environment,
Eugen Block
Setting up NFS with Octopus,
Jens Hyllegaard (Soft Design A/S)
Erasure Space not showing on Octopus,
Jeremi Avenant
MDS Corruption: ceph_assert(!p) in MDCache::add_inode,
Brandon Lyon
changing OSD IP addresses in octopus/docker environment,
Philip Brown
Namespace usability for mutitenancy,
George Shuklin
who's managing the cephcsi plugin?,
Marc Roos
cephfs flags question,
Stefan Kooman
Data migration between clusters,
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
Bucket operations an issue with C# AWSSDK.S3 client,
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
[OSSN-0087] Ceph user credential leakage to consumers of OpenStack Manila,
ceph-fuse false passed X_OK check,
Alex Taylor
block.db Permission denied,
Seena Fallah
bug? cant turn off rbd cache?,
Philip Brown
allocate_bluefs_freespace failed to allocate / ceph_abort_msg("bluefs enospc"),
Stephan Austermühle
Possibly unused client,
Alexander E. Patrakov
ceph stuck removing image from trash,
Andre Gebers
issue on adding SSD to SATA cluster for db/wal,
Zhenshi Zhou
Ceph Outage (Nautilus) - 14.2.11,
Suresh Rama
Weird ceph df,
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
performance degredation every 30 seconds,
Philip Brown
iscsi and iser,
Marc Boisis
The ceph balancer sets upmap items which violates my crushrule,
Manuel Lausch
Removing an applied service set,
Michael Wodniok
pool nearfull, 300GB rbd image occupies 11TB!,
PGs down,
Jeremy Austin
OSD reboot loop after running out of memory,
Stefan Wild
Third nautilus OSD dead in 11 days - FAILED is_valid_io(off, len),
Jonas Jelten
Anonymous access to grafana,
Alessandro Piazza
MON: global_init: error reading config file.,
Oscar Segarra
Debian repo for ceph-iscsi,
Chris Palmer
All ceph commands hangs - bad magic number in monitor log,
Evrard Van Espen - Weather-Measures
CephFS max_file_size,
Mark Schouten
Scrubbing - osd down,
Miroslav Boháč
Ceph benchmark tool (cbt),
Seena Fallah
Slow Replication on Campus,
Vikas Rana
Incomplete PG due to primary OSD crashing during EC backfill - get_hash_info: Mismatch of total_chunk_size 0,
Byrne, Thomas (STFC,RAL,SC)
removing index for non-existent buckets,
Christopher Durham
mgr's stop responding, dropping out of cluster with _check_auth_rotating,
Welby McRoberts
DocuBetter Meeting cancelled this week.,
John Zachary Dover
Running Mons on msgrv2/3300 only.,
Wesley Dillingham
Announcing go-ceph v0.7.0,
John Mulligan
Ceph on vector machines,
How to copy an OSD from one failing disk to another one,
CfP Software Defined Storage devroom,
Jan Fajerski
Larger number of OSDs, cheroot, cherrypy, limits + containers == broken,
David Orman
Ceph in FIPS Validated Environment,
Van Alstyne, Kenneth
dashboard 500 internal error when listing buckets,
levin ng
Garbage Collection on Luminous,
Priya Sehgal
guest fstrim not showing free space,
Marc Roos
ceph daemon mgr.# dump_osd_network: no valid command found,
Frank Schilder
ceph-volume / ecnrypted OSD issues with functionalities,
Panayiotis Gotsis
bucket radoslist stuck in a loop while listing objects,
James, GleSYS
MDS lost, Filesystem degraded and wont mount,
Anton Aleksandrov
Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
Whether removing device_health_metrics pool is ok or not,
Satoru Takeuchi
Whether read I/O is accpted when the number of replica is under pool's min_size,
Satoru Takeuchi
High read throughput on BlueFS,
Seena Fallah
Increase number of objects in flight during recovery,
Frank Schilder
Monitors not starting, getting "e3 handle_auth_request failed to assign global_id",
Darrin Hodges
add server in crush map before osd,
Francois Legrand
Ceph 15.2.4 segfault, msgr-worker,
Ivan Kurnosov
Ceph-ansible vs. Cephadm - Nautilus to Octopus and beyond,
Dave Hall
Determine effective min_alloc_size for a specific OSD,
胡 玮文
ceph in docker the log_file config is empty,
Upgrade to 15.2.7 fails on mixed x86_64/arm64 cluster,
Bryan Stillwell
reliability of rados_stat() function,
Peter Lieven
add OSDs to cluster,
OSD Metadata Imbalance,
Paul Kramme
v15.2.7 Octopus released,
David Galloway
slow down keys/s in recovery,
Seena Fallah
librdbpy examples,
Vladimir Prokofev
RESTful manager module deprecation,
Ernesto Puerta
osd out cant' bring it back online,
Oliver Weinmann
CEPH-ISCSI fails when restarting rbd-target-api and won't work anymore,
Hamidreza Hosseini
rbd image backup best practice,
Marc Roos
Access/Delete RGW user with leading whitespace,
octupus: stall i/o during recovery,
Peter Lieven
ceph df: pool stored vs bytes_used -- raw or not?,
Dan van der Ster
snap permission denied,
DB sizing for lots of large files,
Richard Thornton
Public Swift yielding errors since 14.2.12,
Jukka Nousiainen
high memory usage in osd_pglog,
Robert Brooks
DocuBetter Meeting Today,
John Zachary Dover
uniform and list crush bucket algorithm usage in data centers,
KeyError: 'targets' when adding second gateway on ceph-iscsi - BUG,
Hamidreza Hosseini
Misleading error (osd has already bound to class) when starting osd on nautilus?,
David Caro
S3 Object Lock - ceph nautilus,
Torsten Ennenbach
replace osd with Octopus,
Tony Liu
smartctl UNRECOGNIZED OPTION: json=o,
Tony Liu
Many ceph commands hang. broken mgr?,
Paul Mezzanini
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