I played with ceph-authtool and this seems to work:
host1:/etc/ceph # ceph-authtool ceph.client.user1.keyring -g -n
client.user1 --cap mon "allow r" --cap mds "allow rw path=/dir1" --cap
osd "allow rw tag cephfs data=cephfs"
where "ceph.client.user1.keyring" is obviously the client's keyring file.
host1:/etc/ceph # sdiff ceph.client.user1.keyring.old
[client.user1] [client.user1]
key = AQDd03Vf0moFLxAA1TPKfbAsxi+JLxju9+GP6w== |
key = AQBEZuBfd5trDxAA2vxhcZARbOix5+Hnln8ZMQ==
caps mds = "allow rw path=/dir1"
caps mds = "allow rw path=/dir1"
caps mon = "allow r"
caps mon = "allow r"
caps osd = "allow rw tag cephfs data=cephfs"
caps osd = "allow rw tag cephfs data=cephfs"
Then I import the new keyring file:
host1:/etc/ceph # ceph auth import -i ceph.client.user1.keyring
imported keyring
Using the old key doesn't work anymore:
host1:/etc/ceph # mount -t ceph mon1:/dir1 /mnt -o
mount error: no mds server is up or the cluster is laggy
But the new key works:
host1:/etc/ceph # mount -t ceph mon1:/dir1 /mnt -o
host1:/etc/ceph # touch /mnt/file2
host1:/etc/ceph # ls -l /mnt/
insgesamt 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 21. Dez 10:14 file2
Zitat von Marc Roos <M.Roos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Is there a command to update a client with a new generated key?
Something like:
ceph auth new-key client.rbd
Could be usefull if you accidentaly did a ceph auth ls, because that
still displays keys ;)
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