Linux Speakup
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- Tuxtalk, (continued)
- Firewall question:,
Stephen Dawes
- program to setup DHCP,
Ryan Mann
- alsa drivers/utils/lib,
Raul A. Gallegos
- Messing with open h323 again,
Geoff Shang
- linux games?,
tyler spivey
- slackware problem,
Saqib Shaikh
- installing slackware,
Saqib Shaikh
Stephen Dawes
- kernel hangs at boot time.,
Shaun Oliver
- Slackware distro and new Speakup disks,
Dan Murphy
- slackware is first again,
Joshua Lambert
- compiling alsa drivers.,
Shaun Oliver
- A more complete log about my disk access errors,
Victor Tsaran
- new version of speakfreely for windows available,
John Covici
- compiling kernel,
Saqib Shaikh
- I'm writing a FAQ.,
Ann Parsons
- accent SA settings,
Kenny Hitt
- installing debian from hd,
Saqib Shaikh
- IBM, NEC, Hitachi, and Fujitsu team up on Linux,
Stephen Dawes
- need help with Debian speak up disk I made,
The Electronicman Scott Berry
- port routing.,
Shaun Oliver
- wrote a howto of sorts,
Gregory Nowak
- lilo on slackware 7.1 boot disk,
Gregory Nowak
- correction,
Joshua Lambert
- test message, please do not respond.,
Gene Collins
- needing trade help,
Chris Schulte
- "drive not ready for command" error,
Victor Tsaran
- ftp server.,
Shaun Oliver
- installing for non-us kbd,
Saqib Shaikh
- default rate for speakup at boot time,
Geoff Shang
- one more hopefully,
Kirk Reiser
- sorry for another test,
Kirk Reiser
- just a test.,
Kirk Reiser
- another story for you.Forwarded mail....,
Shaun Oliver
- a thought for the day.Fw: Fw: 57 Cents] (fwd),
Shaun Oliver
- changing default speakup options at boot up,
- kernel compile.,
Shaun Oliver
- Configuring x,
Shaun Oliver
- Colored CD's,
Victor Tsaran
- Bootdisks for Redhat7.1,
Victor Tsaran
- kernel compiling.,
Shaun Oliver
- more Samba help please?,
Shaun Oliver
- ot airline funnies.FW: Airline funnies (fwd),
Shaun Oliver
- please help with alsa problem under slackware 7.1,
Gregory Nowak
- Help the Floundering Newbie!,
Holmes, Steve
- more samba problems,
Shaun Oliver
- samba problem.,
Shaun Oliver
- ot True story of some stupid bank robbers.Forwarded mail....,
Shaun Oliver
mo.valli at
- redhat imagesRe: speakup and the dec express,
Holmes, Steve
- ok this is off topic but who needs a laugh?Warning - really bad jokes !!! I know you wiil like these Ha Ha (fwd),
Shaun Oliver
- lynx,
tyler spivey
- lynx,
Geoff Shang
- <Possible follow-ups>
- lynx,
Juan Hernandez
- speakup and the dec express,
Mike Pedersen
- (OT) Speak Freely program instllation help needed,
Dan Murphy
- forget my last post.,
Shaun Oliver
- speakup cursor mode,
Saqib Shaikh
- kernel,
Shaun Oliver
- diff file for changing keymap,
Saqib Shaikh
- Do you know if kernel 2.4.x includes UDF module,
Victor Tsaran
- virus warning for those of you that sill use windows.Forwarded mail....,
Shaun Oliver
- w3 not working,
Gregory Nowak
- a sort of dumb memory question,
Gregory Nowak
- CVS question,
Dan Murphy
- compiling multiple synths in to kernel,
Gregory Nowak
- ftp client.,
Shaun Oliver
- DOS and emacs questions,
Holmes, Steve
- rpm,
Saqib Shaikh
- Redhat-7.1 install question:,
Stephen Dawes
- speakup/install failed,
Rich Caloggero
- can't mount files on loopback device,
Gregory Nowak
- another speak_freely question.,
Shaun Oliver
- opensource graphics,
Saqib Shaikh
- errors compiling dosemu 1.0.1,
Gregory Nowak
- Master Troll speaks on Software Synth.,
Ken Perry
mo.valli at
- compiling lynx,
rturner2 at
- Speak_Freely question.,
Shaun Oliver
- audio permissions.,
Shaun Oliver
- Massive patch failures,
Cheryl Homiak
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Reiser
- software speech for speakup,
Kerry Hoath
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Kerry Hoath
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Reiser
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kerry Hoath
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Brian Borowski
- software speech for speakup,
Victor Tsaran
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Charles Hallenbeck
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Charles Hallenbeck
- software speech for speakup,
Victor Tsaran
- software speech for speakup,
Stephen Dawes
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Charles Hallenbeck
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Charles Hallenbeck
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Bruce Kingsbury
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Kerry Hoath
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Victor Tsaran
- software speech for speakup,
Victor Tsaran
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Victor Tsaran
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Scott Howell
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Scott Howell
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kerry Hoath
- software speech for speakup,
Victor Tsaran
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Stephen Dawes
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Kerry Hoath
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Kerry Hoath
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Janina Sajka
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Gregory Nowak
- software speech for speakup,
Kirk Wood
- software speech for speakup,
Shaun Oliver
- software speech for speakup,
Geoff Shang
- software speech for speakup,
Matthew Campbell
- software speech for speakup,
Scott Howell
- <Possible follow-ups>
- FW: software speech for speakup,
Stephen Dawes
- Software Speech for Speakup,
Steve Holmes
- console on line printer,
Gregory Nowak
- Speakup and Artic Transport?,
Al Puzzuoli
Frank Carmickle
- A New User Tryint To Install Linux,
Rejean Proulx
- A New User Tryint To Install Linox,
Rejean Proulx
- Multiple Network Cards,
Steve Holmes
- Problems sending to list,
Rejean Proulx
- Fw: Trying to Append to the speakup list,
Rejean Proulx
- Any ideas on how to edit the mail queue?,
Victor Tsaran
- sr_mod module,
Victor Tsaran
- lost+found,
Raul A. Gallegos
- setting up Linux,
Gregory Nowak
- Our second speakup social,
Kirk Reiser
- Securing your apache server:,
Stephen Dawes
- FW: Virus alert,
Stephen Dawes
- at command question,
Gregory Nowak
- 2.4.4 Kernel,
William Stianche
- install linux (fwd),
Raul A. Gallegos
- passwords (fwd),
Raul A. Gallegos
- speakup doesn't work on all systems. (fwd),
Raul A. Gallegos
Raul A. Gallegos
- programs (was signature files) (fwd),
Raul A. Gallegos
- signature files. (fwd),
Raul A. Gallegos
- account permissions. (fwd),
Raul A. Gallegos
- thank goodness,
Gregory Nowak
- whatever you do,
Jim Danley
- email sounding harsh,
Raul A. Gallegos
- microsofts incompetence strikes again!Forwarded mail....,
Shaun Oliver
- Format of E-mail to the list,
Steve Holmes
- sorry for the mess,
Jim Danley
- help,
Jim Danley
- help,
Raul A. Gallegos
- <Possible follow-ups>
- help,
Igor Gueths
- help,
Bardia Zakeri
- ignore this,
Jim Danley
- please help, Linux unuseable after component upgrade,
Gregory Nowak
- ok guys here's a stipid question..,
Shaun Oliver
- still having ethernet troubles.,
Shaun Oliver
- via voice outloud,
Gregory Nowak
- workbone and speakup,
Gregory Nowak
Question fro ma new user,
Rejean Proulx
A new user trying to install linux,
Rejean Proulx
I'm in a jam with intel ethernet card.,
Shaun Oliver
samba book,
Gregory Nowak
strange dialing behaivor,
Gregory Nowak
Machine reboots instead of shutting down,
Victor Tsaran
Charles Hallenbeck
speakup doesn't work on all systems.,
Saqib Shaikh
mo.valli at
Charles Hallenbeck
Gregory Nowak
Shaun Oliver
- <Possible follow-ups>
Joseph Norton
mo.valli at
Joseph Norton
mo.valli at
- slackware boot disks,
Raul A. Gallegos
- slackware boot disks,
Holmes, Steve
kernel compilation,
Cláudio Haase
copying text,
Gregory Nowak
Vpn and ssh.,
Tommy Moore
Phone Stuff:,
Stephen Dawes
About passwords on the list,
Victor Tsaran
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