Ok, there are several issues. The first is that on each share point if you will need to set browseable=yes if you want that directory to show up in the window. Second I hope you have looked at SMB-HOWTO file. It gaves the two lines you need for encrypted passwords. It also refers you to two other files in the smaba docs to read. The first is ENCRYPTION.txt and also WinNT.txt. (Notice the capitalization on those.) You may also need to look at the other samba docs on www.samba.org. I did notice though that you should actually try \\server\share to establish your initial connection. Finally, disabling enypted passwords will have negligable effect on your machine. The only effect would be if you are connecting via SMB to other machines on the internet. You should have firewall software installed on your Windows machine (beyond the macroslop stuff). At a minimum you should go into the IP security settings. Your unencrypted password will only be sent to the internal network side. Personally I would recomend using the Linux box on the gateway. Then use ipchains to exclude inbound connectins for the net unless you specifically want them for some reason. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net Nothing is hard if you know the answer or are used to doing it.