On Tue, 22 May 2001, rjc wrote: > To accomplish my goal, I need to find a comfortable way of working in linux. > The choices that I have are: remote login from PC with Jaws, local login and > run emacspeak with dectalk on the serial port, local login to a kernel with > SpeakUp compiled into it and dectalk on the serial port. Why not remote login from a PC running speakup? I must say that this would be my approach. But then again, I'm used to using speech and the shell. If you have a braille display, you might want to check out brltty and see if your display is supported. I don't personally see much need for such things as file browsers and the like, since I find "ls" tells me more than I want to know already. But I guess you could always fire up midnight commander or something like that if you really want to. Geoff.