> 1: aAs far as I'm aware, software synthesys ties up a great deal of system > resources including the sound card unless of course you run a sb-live. Geoff pointed out that you can get a card with multiple streams. There are a number able to do this. But there are other considerations. First, *most* of the people asking for this are looking at a particular situation. They want the portibility and are well aware there are tradeoffs. (There are always tradeoffs.) Yes, it takes away clock cycles. But if you are in a cramped spot and have no room for a synth, the clock cycle is worth it. Second, you can always add another sound card if it only handles one stream. Last time I looked, I could buy a sound card for as little as $5. And many have modules available. Even a $35 card is cheaper then any hardware synth. Pointing out the problems with software speech is pointless. Most of those posting with the desire to see this are aware there are problems. They already know that this will take time. And also, don't asume they are somehow less understanding of the advantages of a hardware synth. In my not so humble opinion making computing more affordable is a reasonable end in itself. Software speech can drop the cost of this by almost a grand. We are not talking chump change. The lowest cost hardware synth I know of is over $200. If $200 is chump change to any list members please let me know. I will personally put forth the time to get a "scholarship" program started for synths helping out those who don't have that kind of money burning. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net Nothing is hard if you know the answer or are used to doing it.