Hi All, As some of you may remember, a while back I was looking for a way to run Linux on a machine with no serial ports as opposed to the other os. As a result, I cleard off the hd of a machine, and did a fresh slackware install on it with speakup making notes on a Braille 'n Speak as I went. This batch of notes turned out to be a tutorial/mini howto of sorts (just a bare framework really) for someone who sort of knows what they're doing during an install. I proceded to successfully do a minimual install on the machine with no serial ports following my notes as I went through the install of slackware 7.1. Upon successfully completing the setup, I was able to go over to my main machine with speakup and a doubletalk PC, and telnet to the just setup machine via its statically assigned ip address as part of the setup process. After that, I just restarted the setup, and installed the rest of what I wanted via telnet with speakup. Like I said before, this document is very narrowed down, and assums previous setup experience. If anyone is interested in possibly helping me add on to it and expand it, please let me know, and I'll send you what I have. I'm releasing this under the gpl of course with the only exception being that anyone who adds on to the document notifies me of any additions before republishing. Who knows, maybe someday we can get this into the howto package (grin). Thanks. Greg