Linux Speakup
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- Re: Crash when specifying non-existent serial port in speakup / tty_kopen, (continued)
Cut-and-Paste is Working Again,
Chime Hart
have gentoo running and talking with speakup!,
Jude DaShiell
[PATCH] speakup: document the usage of enum values,
Samuel Thibault
[PATCH] speakup_dummy: log about characters received by the dummy driver,
Samuel Thibault
Another speakup cut and paste bug and park,
Kirk Reiser
gentoo install help?,
Jude DaShiell
11 Lines of Kernel Code?,
Chime Hart
More About Cut-and-Paste,
Chime Hart
Cut-and-Paste Kernel Errors,
Chime Hart
4Second Delay in DecTalk? (fwd),
Kirk Reiser
DecTalk Improvements-and-Issues in 5.9?,
Chime Hart
speakup crashes with kernel 5.4.69,
John Covici
[PATCH] speakup: Fix var_id_t values and thus keymap,
Samuel Thibault
Linux 5.9 is out with speakup,
Samuel Thibault
So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Kirk Reiser
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Chime Hart
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Alexander Epaneshnikov
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Kirk Reiser
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Kirk Reiser
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Kirk Reiser
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Karen Lewellen
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Karen Lewellen
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Karen Lewellen
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Tyler Spivey
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Didier Spaier
- Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Kirk Reiser
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Flushing issue,
Tyler Spivey
- Re: Flushing issue,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Kirk Reiser
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Kirk Reiser
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Gregory Nowak
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Chime Hart
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Gregory Nowak
- Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?),
Gregory Nowak
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Chime Hart
- Re: So, where'd the volume controls get to?,
Janina Sajka
settings for blind people using android,
D. Curtis Willoughby
Speech stops responding on Talking Arch,
Cleverson Casarin Uliana
Re: [slint] Re: Fwd: New kernel, automatic handling of kernel upgradess.,
Didier Spaier
Spelling Phonetically Under Speakup,
Martin McCormick
Problems with espeakup and CFDisk,
[PATCHv2 1/2] speakup: Fix wait_for_xmitr for ttyio case,
Samuel Thibault
[PATCH 2/2] speakup: only build serialio when ISA is enabled,
Samuel Thibault
[PATCH 1/2] speakup: Fix wait_for_xmitr for ttyio case,
Samuel Thibault
Especially for Samuel, About the DecTalk,
Chime Hart
Re: [PATCHv2] staging/speakup: Move out of staging,
Samuel Thibault
Re: [PATCH] staging/speakup: Move out of staging,
Samuel Thibault
any other provox users on this list?,
Jude DaShiell
Re: [PATCH] taging: speakup: remove volatile,
Samuel Thibault
Any laptop with a pc speaker?,
Cleverson Casarin Uliana
calling all dectalk users,
Gregory Nowak
speakup crashed in Vmware,
acsint support in espeakup,
Alexander Epaneshnikov
speakup-utils package broken,
Jude DaShiell
change parameters in speakup t arch?,
Is Their an Insert+k in Speakup?,
Chime Hart
log file noise,
Chris Zenchenko
Scripts to share,
Didier Spaier
DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Chime Hart
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Chime Hart
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Chime Hart
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Chime Hart
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Chime Hart
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Karen Lewellen
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Karen Lewellen
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Al Sten-Clanton
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Tom Fowle
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Karen Lewellen
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Chime Hart
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Chime Hart
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Kelly Prescott
- Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
speakup soon out of staging?,
Didier Spaier
Questions More General Than Speakup,
Tait Hoyem
Installing eSpeakup,
Glenn K0LNY
trouble booting debian10.3 with speakup,
D. Curtis Willoughby
Back on the list, test,
Chris Zenchenko
[raspberry-vi] A bit off topic, Speakup and Debian Stretch-Buster (fwd),
Karen Lewellen
New deadlock?,
Just a test message.,
Kirk Reiser
Fwd: [fenrir-screenreader] Linux Accessibility Patreon,
deedra waters
Re: [PATCH] staging: speakup: Fix a typo error print for softsynthu device,
Samuel Thibault
[Lynx-dev] ANN: lynx2.9.0dev.5,
Karen Lewellen
doubletalk PC and newer kernels retraction,
Gregory Nowak
Re: [PATCH] staging: speakup: remove redundant initialization of pointer p_key,
Samuel Thibault
Re: speakup: kernel panics on 5.2+,
Samuel Thibault
Debian with Speakup and software speech under VirtualBox,
Lukasz Golonka
driving a serial synthesizer through speech-dispatcher,
Gregory Nowak
espeakup and usb speakers,
Jude DaShiell
Re: Intro and a couple questions,
Jude DaShiell
speakup on latest kernels,
deedra waters
speakup lockup problem,
Alexandr Epaneshnikov
Why Doesn't speakup_setlocalle Have US English?,
Chime Hart
DecTalk Express in U S B Mode?,
Chime Hart
Any Progress on a Dec-Talk U S B Driver?,
Chime Hart
speakup locking box on latest linux 5.3.15-1,
Kirk Reiser,
Jude DaShiell
[no subject],
Rudy Vener
ot: slightly, improving how the Links browser speaks?,
Karen Lewellen
google doesn't like us,
cannot go to google search results with lynx,
Willem van der Walt
Help needed, TalkingArch,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Dealing with Slow Input,
Martin McCormick
Okash's talk,
Kirk Reiser
[PATCH] staging: speakup: document sysfs attributes,
Okash Khawaja
Re: [HELP REQUESTED from the community] Was: Staging status of speakup,
Didier Spaier
Re: [Lynx-dev] lynx fails to load page (fwd),
Jude DaShiell
let's try this again, crash link,
Deedra Waters
Fwd: speakup crash link,
Deedra Waters
latest speakup and kernel crashes,
Deedra Waters
help fixing speakup hang problem w smp kernels,
Kelly Prescott
can speakup speak portugese?,
Jude DaShiell
Can I Run Speakup WithIn Chrome OS?,
Chime Hart
Re: Speakup Digest, Vol 189, Issue 7,
Re: Linux Open Source Presentation,
Samuel Thibault
Re: [PATCH] staging: speakup: One function call less in speakup_win_enable(),
Samuel Thibault
Slint update with new scripts to handle speakup and console screen readers,
Didier Spaier
no sound except speakup,
John G Heim
Are Their Any Ways of Running ChromeVox in a Console?,
Chime Hart
Can An Application Automaticly Switch Among Cursoring on-and-Highlight Tracking?,
Chime Hart
changing synth language,
Settings of synthesizers,
Didier Spaier
Re: [PATCH] drivers: staging: speakup: serialio: fix warning linux/serial.h is included more than once,
Samuel Thibault
any gentoo users here,
Gregory Nowak
Running spd-say instead of voxinup?,
Chime Hart
Orca List,
Glenn At Home
Re: [PATCH] Staging: speakup: Replace return type,
Samuel Thibault
Can I Run a Speakup KeyMap in Chrome OS?,
Chime Hart
Speakup not working in Ubuntu 18.04,
Kelly Prescott
speakup appearing in xorg log question,
Willem van der Walt
Debian Buster installer and speech issues,
Samuel Thibault
One more questions about modules.,
Didier Spaier
alsamixer for visually impaired,
sam Wednesday update,
Willem van der Walt
sam, Tuesday update, fixed an error,
Willem van der Walt
sam, Monday update, first-letter-navigation added,
Willem van der Walt
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: Fwd: sam, Monday update, first-letter-navigation added,
Didier Spaier
Re: Fwd: sam, Monday update, first-letter-navigation added,
Willem van der Walt
sam Sunday update2,
Willem van der Walt
sam Sunday update1,
Willem van der Walt
Saturday sam update2,
Willem van der Walt
: Using enter or using arrows, that is the question,
Chuck Hallenbeck
sam Saturday update1,
Willem van der Walt
sam Friday night update,
Willem van der Walt
sam updated, now works on both python2 and python3 systems,
Willem van der Walt
About SAM Sound Controller,
Chime Hart
Speech-friendly alsa mixer (sam) released, testers needed,
Willem van der Walt
jenux distro,
Jude DaShiell
amixer help,
Glenn At Home
[PATCH 0/2] staging: speakup: factor out selection code,
Okash Khawaja
[PATCH 2/2] staging: speakup: refactor to use existing code in vt,
Okash Khawaja
[PATCH v2 0/2] staging: speakup: factor out selection code,
Okash Khawaja
[PATCH v3 0/2] staging: speakup factor out selection code,
Okash Khawaja
about old speakup connector,
tony seth
[PATCH v2 0/2] staging: speakup factor out selection code,
Okash Khawaja
An espeak question,
Martin McCormick
Re: [PATCH 1/2] Subject: vt: selection: allow functions to be called from inside kernel,
Samuel Thibault
Thanks to Samuel and Okash, Kirk and all the others over the years,
Willem van der Walt
Re: [PATCH 2/2] Subject: staging: speakup: refactor to use existing code in vt,
Gregory Nowak
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [PATCH 2/2] Subject: staging: speakup: refactor to use existing code in vt,
Samuel Thibault
PATCH 1/2] Subject: vt: selection: allow functions to be called from inside kernel,
Gregory Nowak
Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Martin McCormick
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Didier Spaier
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Willem van der Walt
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Martin McCormick
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Kirk Reiser
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Kirk Reiser
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Didier Spaier
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Didier Spaier
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Gregory Nowak
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Kirk Reiser
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Samuel Thibault
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Janina Sajka
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Tom Fowle
Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works!,
Martin McCormick
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works! Correction,
Willem van der Walt
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works! Correction,
Martin McCormick
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works!,
Samuel Thibault
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works!,
Samuel Thibault
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works!,
Samuel Thibault
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works!,
Jason White
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? changed, duplicate messages.,
Tom Fowle
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? changed, duplicate messages.,
Gregory Nowak
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? changed, duplicate messages.,
Chime Hart
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? changed, duplicate messages.,
Tom Fowle
Speakup History,
Janina Sajka
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Martin McCormick
Samuel's Workaround -- was Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Susan Fowle
Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup?,
Willem van der Walt
Re: Speakup in Linux Open Source Summit,
Samuel Thibault
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Speakup in Linux Open Source Summit,
Tom Fowle
Re: Speakup in Linux Open Source Summit,
tony seth
Re: Speakup in Linux Open Source Summit,
tony seth
Re: [PATCH 0/2] staging: speakup factor out selection code,
Samuel Thibault
Mumble server running as a replacement for SpeakFreely,
Chris Brannon
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