Re: DecTalk Settings from Within Speakup?

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Since you removed the explanation about inflection, I hope you realize its importance to the function of any quality screen is after all what helps humans sound more human in the first place. The idea of leaving important aspects like rate pitch and inflection configuration specifics to the synthesizer, translates into inconsistent speakup performance. From what you say, the quality will depend on the synthesizer not the screen reader program. That, speaking personally, is a mistake. End users should expect the same quality of critical aspects, and yes the ability to fine tune how fast how clear and how human what your using is, sits firmly in the critical dictionary, from their screen reader, regardless of synthesizers. Of course individuals are going to fine tune those factors, why ever would they not? Such preferences vary from person to person, its part of why there are so many hardware synthesizers in the first place, and why software speech is considered of such poor quality for many, when both compared to those tools and the human voice. As for users of speekup updating the files, that would require a uniform experience, which as you seem to illustrate here is beyond what a user should expect to fine. My comments may seem harsh to you, but the ability to use Linux in a fluid fashion for some is only as good as the screen reader, and those doing the work, even if volunteers, must respect as much.
Its apart  of quality control.

Just my opinion ,

On Fri, 17 Apr 2020, Samuel Thibault wrote:


Karen Lewellen wrote:
there*must* be something uniform that allows caps [...] etc., available for
*the user* to set and have those remain  constant, not to change at the
whims of speakup.

That is *exactly* what I am talking about. Using speakupconf to
configure things nicely, and not having to do obscure echo to an obscure
/sys file.

Karen Lewellen wrote:
If speakup lacks the option  after being around  for so long,

It doesn't lack it, it lets the synthesizer manage it. What is discussed
here is about tuning it, which I haven't heared being asked for before.

Karen Lewellen wrote:
if that is not happening, you have problems.

Please avoid directing such kind of sentence at people who are actually
trying to find time to work on stuff, I don't see how that can be
helping in any way.

Karen Lewellen wrote:
there should be guides both for Linux itself and speakup outside of
the operating system,

There is a speakup guide on
of course it should be getting updated etc. somebody has to do it.
It just can not be me, since I'm not even remotely a user of speakup,
it'd be way simpler if it was real users who would work on it.

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