Re: cannot go to google search results with lynx

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Unfortunately this workaround doesn't seem to be working for I did find a lynx option that does seem to work though, the -tagsoup command line option. This seems to give a results page with usable links. It's not the results page that worked as of yesterday but it's better than nothing. This option can also be set in the main lynx configuration file. The default is off so just look for a line that says TAGSOUP:FALSE and change to: TAGSOUP:True I haven't tested this on other pages so hopefully it doesn't break other things.

On Wed, 13 Nov 2019, Brian Buhrow wrote:

	hello.  There is a work around for this problem and it still works as
of this morning.  I've been using it for years.

1.  Start lynx as you normally would with your favorite startup page.

2.  Press o for options to open the options form.

3.  Search for the accept cookies entry.

4.  Say yes to cookies, ssl certs, ssl errors. etc.

5.  Tab or search down to the user agent string.

6.  Check the box that says, send user agent string.  Make sure it's

7.  For the user agent string delete the existing string and write:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 11.2; Linux-14.4)

8.  Press accept.

Now, when you  go to, you should be able to enter search
terms, click on the Google Search button, and see a results page with
usable links.

	As a side work around, sometimes you'll encounter pages that won't
display and will give you an error like: Forbidden, with some text about
performance and security from Cloudflare.  If you go into options, turn off
the send user agent string, press accept and reload the page, that usually
gets the content.  Remember, however, that if you don't send the user agent
string when using Google search pages, you won't get usable results pages,
so I usually turn the user agent string back on when I'm done with the
Cloudflare pages.

Hope that helps.


On Nov 13, 12:39pm, Ari Moisio wrote:
} Subject: Re: cannot go to google search results with lynx
} Hi
} I noticed same behaviour. Not found any workaround yet.
} --
} mr. M01510 & guide Loadstone-GPS  Lat: 62.38718, lon: 25.64672
} hkp:// B784D020 fp:0C1F6A76 DC9DDD58 33838B5D 0E769600 B7840D02
}   Willem van der Walt kirjoitti
} > Subject: cannot go to google search results with lynx
} > Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:10:56
} > From: Willem van der Walt <wvdwalt@xxxxxxxxxx>
} > To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux. <speakup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
} >
} >
} > Hi, Willem here.
} > In the last few days, the google search results through lynx became unusable.
} > Does anyone else also experience this?
} > If so, is there a work-around apart from using another browser?
} > TIA, Willem
} >
} >
} >
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-- End of excerpt from Ari Moisio

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