Re: Flushing issue (was: So, where'd the volume controls get to?)

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Hahahahah, now that's fast! Unfortunately I can't type that fast. In
fact, if I just hold down the previous-lineor next-line keys it still
reads bits of the screen as it's going up or down. I tried to type
fast enough to not get any speech but couldn't do it. It almost speaks
immediately when I press the key or fast enough I can't tell the

The version of espeakup I use is 0.8 from 2008 and the libespeak
library as reported by ldd is: => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6298

I'd be happy to use a newer version if I could find one that works
well. I give the new versions a chance with every new version but
nothing yet. If someone else can point me to a version that works I'd
be happy to try that also. I haven't heard complaints from anyone else
though so maybe it's me being silly. It's hard to believe that I
review faster than anyone else so maybe I am silly.

On Sat, 10 Oct 2020, Samuel Thibault wrote:

Kirk Reiser, le sam. 10 oct. 2020 14:56:38 -0400, a ecrit:
The voice doesn't flush quickly enough to be able to move up and down
with either the review keys or arrow keys so it generates a jumbling
of voices which is completely unusable when moving quickly.

Ok.  Which versions of espeakup and espeak-ng do you use exactly?  I
do remember fixing some things in that regard, and it was then working
fine.  When I'm testing with the versions of Debian 10 for instance,
when I move around extremely quickly, the espeak-ng speech synthesis
doesn't even have the time to speak anything (since I interrupt it
extremely quickly)

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