Hello, a thread mentioning speakupconf made me think that maybe the attached scripts, shipped in Slint, could be useful to others, if not as is after adaptations to other contexts. speakup-save and speakup-restore allow to save/restore the speakup settings specifically for the screen reader in use: speechd-up or espeakup, or the hard synthesizer in use. in Slint speakup-save is run as root by the user, speakup-restore is run by the daemon managers of espeakup and speechd-up, which in case of a hard synthesizer just configure speakup instead of starting a daemon at startup. speakup-restore is also run indirectly by speak-with, loosely similar to talkwith but which also supports fenrir. All these scripts are attached and I put them in the public domain, so do what you want with them. Bug reports are welcome. Putting this stuff in a Git repository is in my TODO list, but not on top. Cheers, Didier
#!/bin/sh ESPEAKUP=/usr/bin/espeakup ### Code snippet common to rc.espeakup and rc-speechd-up. ### hardlist=$(zgrep SPEAKUP_S /proc/config.gz|grep [ym]|grep -v DUMMY| \ sed 's/CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_//;s/..$//'|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sed s/soft// ) # A hardware synthesizer can be set either in the boot command line or # in the configuration file /etc/speakup.conf. In both cases we won't # start espeakup or speechd-up that rely on a soft synthesizer, but we # restore the speakup settings. if grep -q speakup /proc/cmdline; then HARDCMDLINE=$(sed "s/.*speakup.synth=\([[:alpha:]]\{1,\}\).*/\1/" /proc/cmdline) fi if [ -f /etc/speakup.conf ]; then . /etc/speakup.conf HARDCONF=$hard fi # We give priority to the settings in /etc/espeakup.conf over those on # the command line. "hard=none" in the former indicates that the user # chose not to use a hard synthesizer. This way the user does not need # to edit the command line to modify a setting, like using another hard # synthesizer or use on a soft synthesizer instead of a hard one. if [ ! "$HARDCONF" = "none" ]; then if [ ! "$HARDCONF" = "" ]; then # The user ran speak-with and chose a hard synth modprobe speakup_$HARDCONF 2>/dev/null echo $HARDCONF > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth [ -x /usr/sbin/speakup-restore ] && speakup-restore exit elif [ ! "$HARDCMDLINE" = "" ] && grep -q $HARDCMDLINE $hardlist ]; then # The user has not run speak-with to choose a hard synth but # has indicated one in the boot command line modprobe speakup_$HARDCMDLINE 2>/dev/null echo $HARDCMDLINE > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth [ -x /usr/sbin/speakup-restore ] && speakup-restore exit fi fi # We didn't exit yet, so we will manage the daemon of the soft synth. # modprobe won't complain even if the driver is built-in. Else the # "echo" command is not necessary but won't hurt. modprobe speakup_soft 2>/dev/null echo "soft" > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth sleep 1 chmod 666 /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/* echo 1 > /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/direct ### End of the code snippet common to rc.espeakup and rc.speechd-up ### if [ "$LANG" = "" ]; then . /etc/profile.d/lang.sh fi # Starts/stops/restart espeakup set_voice_from_lang () { lang=`echo $LANG | sed 's/_.*//'` country=`echo $LANG | sed 's/.*_//;s/\..*//;s/@.*//' | tr A-Z a-z` if [ "$lang" = gl ]; then # Not supported by espeak-ng yet, but pt should be fine enough, better # than English anyway # Comment above from Debian. We don't propose gv in Slint yet, but # maybe later ? lang=pt fi # Setup a table lang => associated voice file name # We will start espeakup with a voice file name as argument of the # -V option, as if we give a $lang-$country argument that does # not match a voice file name it segfault when we switch from a # graphical environment with Orca running to a console. VOICESTABLE=$(espeak-ng --voices|sed "s;[ ]\{1,\};,;g"|cut -d, -f3-6|cut -d, --complement -f2-3|sed "s;,.*/;,;") if [ ! "$(echo "$VOICESTABLE"|grep "^$lang-$country")" = "" ]; then VOICE=$(echo "$VOICESTABLE"|grep "^${lang}-${country},"|cut -d, -f2) elif [ ! "$(echo "$VOICESTABLE"|grep "^$lang,")" = "" ]; then VOICE="$lang" else VOICE=en fi echo $VOICE > /tmp/voice_from_lang } set_voice_from_lang VOICEFROMLANG=$(cat /tmp/voice_from_lang) rm /tmp/voice_from_lang set_voice_from_config () { # We will first try to match the voice set in the config file with # an mbrola voice. In that aim we make a table of mbrola voices file # names with the associated mbrola voice installed. MBROLAVOICES=$(espeak-ng --voices=mb|sed "s, ,,;s;[ ]\{1,\};,;g"|cut -d, -f5|sed s,mb/,,) for i in $(echo "$MBROLAVOICES"|sed "s/mb-//g;s/-.*//"|sort|uniq); do if [ "$(ls /usr/share/mbrola|grep $i)" = "" ]; then MBROLAVOICES=$(echo "$MBROLAVOICES"|grep -v $i) fi done VOICESTABLE=$(espeak-ng --voices|sed "s;[ ]\{1,\};,;g"|cut -d, -f3-6|cut -d, --complement -f2-3|sed "s;,.*/;,;") lang=$(echo $voice|sed "s/-.*//") if [ ! "$(echo "$MBROLAVOICES"|grep $voice)" = "" ]; then VOICE=$voice elif [ ! "$(echo "$VOICESTABLE"|grep "${voice},")" = "" ]; then VOICE=$(echo "$VOICESTABLE"|grep "${voice},"|cut -d, -f2) elif [ ! "$(echo "$VOICESTABLE"|grep "^$lang")" = "" ]; then VOICE="$lang" else VOICE=en fi echo $VOICE > /tmp/voice_from_config } espeakup_start() { [ "$LANG" = "" ] && . /etc/profile.d/lang.sh if [ -f /etc/espeakup.conf ]; then . /etc/espeakup.conf if [ "$voice" = "" ]; then voice=$VOICEFROMLANG else set_voice_from_config VOICEFROMCONFIG=$(cat /tmp/voice_from_config) rm /tmp/voice_from_config voice=$VOICEFROMCONFIG fi fi if [ ! "`ps -C espeakup --noheaders|wc -l`" = "0" ]; then echo "espeakup is already started." espeakup_status exit fi if [ -x $ESPEAKUP ]; then CARDS=$(mktemp) for i in /sys/class/sound/card*; do printf $i|sed "s/.*card//";printf " ";cat $i/id done > $CARDS NUMBEROFCARDS=$(find /sys/class/sound -name "card*"|wc -l) if [ $NUMBEROFCARDS -gt 1 ]; then echo "$NUMBEROFCARDS sound cards have been found:" cat $CARDS if [ "$ALSA_CARD" = "" ]; then echo "ALSA_CARD not set in /etc/espeakup.conf, using the default." elif ! grep -wq $ALSA_CARD $CARDS; then echo "Card $ALSA_CARD set in /etc/espeakup not found, using the default." ALSA_CARD="" fi fi V=$(grep ^voice= /etc/espeakup.conf|sed s/voice=//) if [ ! "$V" = "" ] && [ ! "$V" = "$voice" ]; then echo "Voice set to $V in /etc/espeakup.conf, using $voice for espeakup." elif [ "$V" = "" ]; then echo "Voice not set in /etc/espeakup.conf, LANG=$LANG, using $voice for espeakup." fi if [ "$ALSA_CARD" = "" ]; then echo "Starting espeakup with voice $voice" $ESPEAKUP -V $voice else echo "Starting espeakup with voice $voice using sound card $ALSA_CARD" ALSA_CARD=$ALSA_CARD $ESPEAKUP -V $voice fi [ -x /usr/sbin/speakup-restore ] && speakup-restore rm $CARDS else echo "$ESPEAKUP not found or non executable" fi } espeakup_stop() { NBPROC="`ps -C espeakup --noheaders|wc -l`" if [ ! "$NBPROC" = "0" ]; then sleep 1 PID="`ps -C espeakup --noheaders -o pid`" kill -s 9 $PID fi } espeakup_restart() { espeakup_stop sleep 2 espeakup_start } espeakup_status() { NBPROC="`ps -C espeakup --noheaders|wc -l`" if [ "$NBPROC" = "0" ]; then echo "espeakup is not started" elif [ "$NBPROC" = "1" ]; then echo "An espeakup daemon is running, PID: `ps -C espeakup --no-headers -o pid`" else ps -C espeakup -o pid,args fi } case "$1" in start) espeakup_start;; stop) espeakup_stop;; restart) espeakup_restart;; status) espeakup_status;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}";; esac
#!/bin/sh SPEECHD=/usr/bin/speechd-up ### Code snippet common to rc.espeakup and rc-speechd-up. ### hardlist=$(zgrep SPEAKUP_S /proc/config.gz|grep [ym]|grep -v DUMMY| \ sed 's/CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_//;s/..$//'|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # A hardware synthesizer can be set either in the boot command line or # in the configuration file /etc/speakup.conf. In both cases we won't # start espeakup or speechd-up that rely on a soft synthsizer, but we # restore the speakup settings. if grep -q speakup /proc/cmdline; then HARDCMDLINE=$(sed "s/.*speakup.synth=\([[:alpha:]]\{1,\}\).*/\1/" /proc/cmdline) fi if [ -f /etc/speakup.conf ]; then . /etc/speakup.conf HARDCONF=$hard fi # We give priority to the settings in /etc/espeakup.conf over those on # the command line. "hard=none" in the former indicates that the user # chose not to use a hard synthesizer. This way the user does not need # to edit the command line to modify a setting, like using another hard # synthesizer or use on a soft synthesizer instead of a hard one. if [ ! "$HARDCONF" = "none" ]; then if [ ! "$HARDCONF" = "" ] ; then # The user ran speak-with and chosen a hard synth modprobe speakup_$HARDCONF 2>/dev/null echo $HARDCONF > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth [ -x /usr/sbin/speakup-restore ] && speakup-restore exit elif [ ! "$HARDCMDLINE" = "" ] && grep -q $HARDCMDLINE $hardlist ]; then # The user has not run speak-with to choose a hard synth but # has indicated one in the boot command line modprobe speakup_$HARDCMDLINE 2>/dev/null echo $HARDCMDLINE > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth [ -x /usr/sbin/speakup-restore ] && speakup-restore exit fi fi # We didn't exit yet, so we will manage the daemon of the soft synth. # modprobe won't complain even if the driver is built-in. Else the # "echo" command is not necessary but won't hurt. modprobe speakup_soft 2>/dev/null echo "soft" > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth sleep 1 chmod 666 /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/* echo 1 > /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/direct ### End of the code snippet common to rc.espeakup and rc.speechd-up ### # Starts/stops/restart speechd-up speechd_up_start() { if [ -f /etc/speechd-up.conf ]; then . /etc/speechd-up.conf 2>/dev/null fi if [ ! "`ps -C speechd-up --noheaders|wc -l`" = "0" ]; then echo "speechd-up is already started." speechd_up_status exit fi if [ -x $SPEECHD ]; then echo "Starting speechd-up" sleep 2 if [ ! "$ALSA_CARD" = "" ] && [ "$(echo $ALSA_CARD|sed 's/[[:digit:]]//g')" = "" ]; then ( export ALSA_CARD=$ALSA_CARD $SPEECHD -d 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) else $SPEECHD -d 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi [ -x /usr/sbin/speakup-restore ] && speakup-restore else echo "$SPEECHD not found or non executable." fi } speechd_up_stop() { NBPROC="`ps -C speechd-up --noheaders|wc -l`" if [ ! "$NBPROC" = "0" ]; then echo "Stopping speechd-up..." PID="`ps -C speechd-up --noheaders -o pid`" kill $PID else echo "speechd-up is not running." fi } speechd_up_restart() { speechd_up_stop sleep 5 speechd_up_start } speechd_up_status() { NBPROC="`ps -C speechd-up --noheaders|wc -l`" if [ "$NBPROC" = "0" ]; then echo "speechd-up is not running" elif [ "$NBPROC" = "1" ]; then echo "A speechd-up daemon is running, PID: `ps -C speechd-up --no-headers -o pid`" else ps -C speechd-up -o pid,args fi } case "$1" in start) speechd_up_start;; stop) speechd_up_stop;; restart) speechd_up_restart;; status) speechd_up_status;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}";; esac
#!/bin/sh if [ ! $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then echo "Please run this script as root." exit fi if [ ! -f /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth ]; then echo "speakup being not in use, there is no setting to save." exit elif [ "$(</sys/accessibility/speakup/synth)" = "none" ]; then echo "speakup being not in use, there is no setting to save." exit fi SYNTH=$(</sys/accessibility/speakup/synth) ESPEAKUP=$(ps -C espeakup --noheaders|wc -l) SPEECHD_UP=$(ps -C speechd-up --noheaders|wc -l) # We saved settings separately for: # espeakup # each hard synthesizer # speechd-up # so that we restore the relevant settings for the synthesizer and # screen reader in use. SAVEDSYNTH="$SYNTH" if [ "$SYNTH" = "soft" ] && [ $ESPEAKUP -ne 0 ]; then SAVEDSYNTH="espeakup" fi if [ "$SYNTH" = "soft" ] && [ $SPEECHD_UP -ne 0 ]; then SAVEDSYNTH="speechd-up" fi # If SYNTH has not been set to speechd-up or speakup a hard synth is # in use, like e.g. SAVEDSYNTH=apollo if [ ! -d /var/lib/speakup/$SAVEDSYNTH ]; then echo "No speakup settings saved for $SAVEDSYNTH, so nothing to restore." exit fi cd /var/lib/speakup/$SAVEDSYNTH ls|while read $i; do if [ -w /sys/accessibility/speakup/$i ] && [ -f /sys/accessibility/speakup/$i ]; then cp $i /sys/accessibility/speakup/ fi done if [ -d i18n ] && [ -d /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n ]; then ( cd i18n ls|while read i; do if [ -w /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/$i ]; then cp $i /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/ fi done ) fi ( cd $SYNTH ls|while read i; do if [ -w /sys/accessibility/speakup/$SYNTH/$i ]; then cp $i /sys/accessibility/speakup/$SYNTH/ fi done ) echo "speakup settings have been restored for $SAVEDSYNTH."
#!/bin/sh if [ ! $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then gettext -s "Please run this script as root." exit fi if [ ! -f /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth ]; then "speakup being not in use, there is no setting to save." exit fi SYNTH=$(</sys/accessibility/speakup/synth) if [ "$SYNTH" = "none" ]; then echo "speakup being not in use, there is no setting to save." exit fi ESPEAKUP=$(ps -C espeakup --noheaders|wc -l) SPEECHD_UP=$(ps -C speechd-up --noheaders|wc -l) # We save settings separately for: # espeakup # each hard synthesizer # speechd-up # so that we restore the relevant settings for the synthesizer and # case occurring the screen reader in use. if [ "$SYNTH" = "soft" ] && [ $ESPEAKUP -ne 0 ] && [ $SPEECHD_UP -ne 0 ]; then gettext -s "espeakup and speechd-up are both running, not saving settings." exit fi if [ "$SYNTH" = "soft" ] && [ $ESPEAKUP -eq 0 ] && [ $SPEECHD_UP -eq 0 ]; then gettext -s "neither espeakup nor speechd-up is running, not saving settings." exit fi if [ "$SYNTH" = "soft" ] && [ $ESPEAKUP -ne 0 ]; then SYNTH="espeakup" fi if [ "$SYNTH" = "soft" ] && [ $SPEECHD_UP -ne 0 ]; then SYNTH="speechd-up" fi # If SYNTH has not been set to speechd-up or speakup it is the hard synth # in use. mkdir -p /var/lib/speakup/$SYNTH cd /sys/accessibility/speakup for i in $(find . -type d|sed "/^.$/d;s/..//"); do mkdir -p /var/lib/speakup/$SYNTH/$i done for i in $(find . -type f|sed "s/..//"|grep -v -e silent -e version -e "synth.*"); do if [ -f $i ] && [ -w $i ]; then cp $i /var/lib/speakup/$SYNTH/$i fi done gettext "Current speakup settings have been saved in " echo "/var/lib/speakup/$SYNTH."
#!/bin/sh # Didier Spaier <didier~at~slint.fr> 2019 # I wrote this script from scratch and put it in the public domain. # I assume that the packages espeakup and speechd-up are installed. # If fenrir is installed, it can also be used. if [ ! $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then echo "Please run this script as root." exit fi speakup=" a hard synthesizer (type its name, like \"apollo\" or \"acntsa\")" if [ -x /usr/bin/espeakup ]; then espeakup=" espeakup (Console screen reader connecting espeak-ng and speakup)\n" n1="espeakup" fi if [ -x /usr/bin/speechd-up ]; then speechd_up=" speechd-up (Console screen reader connecting Speech Dispatcher and speakup)" n2="speechd-up" fi if [ -x /usr/bin/fenrir ]; then fenrir=" fenrir (Modular, flexible and fast console screen reader)\n" n3="fenrir" fi readers="$espeakup$fenrir$speechd_up" hardlist="$(zgrep SPEAKUP_S /proc/config.gz|grep [ym]|grep -v DUMMY| \ sed 's/CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_//;s/..$//'|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" usage() { echo "Usage: $0 <screen reader> or <hard synthesizer> or none" echo "Choose a console screen reader to talk with among:" echo -e "$readers" echo "or use one of the supported hard synthesizers:" echo " "$hardlist echo "or type \"$0 none\" to mute all screen readers." exit } to_lower() { echo "$1"|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' } ARGUMENT=$(to_lower $1) if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then usage; fi if [ ! "$ARGUMENT" = "$n1" ] && \ [ ! "$ARGUMENT" = "$n2" ] && \ [ ! "$ARGUMENT" = "$n3" ] && \ ! echo $hardlist| grep -qw $ARGUMENT && \ [ ! "$ARGUMENT" = "none" ]; then echo "$1 is not a valid argument of this command." usage exit fi # We first check which console screen reader is already running, if any. if [ ! "$(ps -C fenrir --noheaders|wc -l)" = "0" ]; then FENRIR=y fi if [ -f /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth ]; then SPKSYNTH=$(cat /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth) if [ "$SPKSYNTH" = "soft" ]; then if [ ! "$(ps -C speechd-up --noheaders|wc -l)" = "0" ]; then SPEECHDUP="y" fi if [ ! "$(ps -C espeakup --noheaders|wc -l)" = "0" ]; then ESPEAKUP="y" fi else HARD=$SPKSYNTH fi fi # If a hard synth is in use store its name as we need to override it to # use a soft synth instead if wished, but we need to restore it if the # user does not want a permanent change. if [ -f /etc/speakup.conf ]; then . /etc/speakup.conf fi case $ARGUMENT in espeakup) if [ ! -x /usr/bin/espeakup ]; then echo "espeakup is not installed." exit fi if [ "$ESPEAKUP" = "y" ]; then echo "$1 is already started." exit fi if [ "$FENRIR" = "y" ]; then [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir ] && sh /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir stop fi if [ "$SPEECHDUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up stop fi echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo "hard=none" >> /etc/speakup.conf sh /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup start sleep 1 printf "Should espeakup be also started at next boot? [Y/n] " read ANSWER if [ ! "$(to_lower $ANSWER)" = "n" ]; then chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir ] && chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir echo "Done." elif [ ! "$hard" = "" ]; then echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo hard=$hard >> /etc/speakup.conf fi ;; speechd-up) if [ ! -x /usr/bin/speechd-up ]; then echo "speechd-up is not installed." exit fi if [ "$SPEECHDUP" = "y" ]; then echo "speechd-up is already started." exit fi if [ "$FENRIR" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir stop fi if [ "$ESPEAKUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup stop fi echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo "hard=none" >> /etc/speakup.conf sh /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up start sleep 1 printf "Should speechd-up be also started at next boot? [Y/n] " read ANSWER if [ ! "$(to_lower $ANSWER)" = "n" ]; then chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir ] && chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up echo "Done." elif [ ! "$hard" = "" ]; then echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo hard=$hard >> /etc/speakup.conf fi ;; fenrir) if [ ! -x /usr/bin/fenrir ]; then echo "fenrir is not installed." exit fi if [ "$FENRIR" = "y" ]; then echo "fenrir is already started." exit fi if [ "$SPEECHDUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up stop fi if [ "$ESPEAKUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup stop fi if [ ! "$SPKSYNTH" = "" ]; then echo none > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth fi echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo "hard=none" >> /etc/speakup.conf sh /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir start sleep 1 clear printf "Should fenrir be also started at boot time? [Y/n] " read ANSWER if [ ! "$(to_lower $ANSWER)" = "n" ]; then chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir echo "Done." elif [ ! "$hard" = "" ]; then echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo hard=$hard >> /etc/speakup.conf fi ;; none) if [ "$FENRIR" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir stop fi if [ "$ESPEAKUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup stop fi if [ "$SPEECHDUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up stop fi if [ ! "$SPKSYNTH" = "" ]; then echo none > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth fi printf "Do you also want a mute console at next boot? [Y/n] " read ANSWER if [ ! "$(to_lower $ANSWER)" = "n" ]; then chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir ] && chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo "hard=none" >> /etc/speakup.conf echo "OK" fi ;; *) if [ "$FENRIR" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir stop fi if [ "$ESPEAKUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup stop fi if [ "$SPEECHDUP" = "y" ]; then sh /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up stop fi modprobe speakup_$ARGUMENT 2>/dev/null echo $ARGUMENT > /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Unable to switch to the $ARGUMENT synthesizer." echo "Something should be wrong." exit 1 fi printf "Should $ARGUMENT be also used at next boot? [Y/n] " read ANSWER if [ ! "$(to_lower $ANSWER)" = "n" ]; then chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.speechd-up [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir ] && chmod 644 /etc/rc.d/rc.fenrir chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup echo "# File written by speak-with. Do not edit." > /etc/speakup.conf echo "hard=$ARGUMENT" >> /etc/speakup.conf echo "Done." fi esac
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