Linux Speakup
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- getting listen-up, (continued)
- Appollo2 stability.,
Léonie Watson
- Listen-up Won't Compile!,
Steve Holmes
- can't compile listen-up,
Gregory Nowak
- secondary dns?,
awesome-dave1 at
- ot, explanations of the various adsl modes and what they mean,
Gregory Nowak
- listen-up installation read me by Gene Collins,
Kirk Reiser
- Talking Linux On Thinkpad six hundred?,
Luke Davis
- To: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection Closed,
Janina Sajka
- Working with CVS Modules,
Steve Holmes
- mirrorring with scp is it possible?,
Shaun Oliver
- OT: PXE,
Luke Davis
- PXE,
Joseph C. Lininger
- PXE,
- PXE,
Alex Snow
- PXE,
Luke Davis
- PXE,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- Listen-up DAISY player,
Ryan Mann
- a distro designed for booting over the network,
Gregory Nowak
- debian user needed for special compilation,
awesome-dave1 at
- sshd problem,
igueths at
- daisy reader for gnu/linux, listen-up!,
Kirk Reiser
- software speech for DOS,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- trouble with knoppix with speakup,
Thomas Stivers
- speakimage development is being discontinued,
Gregory Nowak
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
erik burggraaf
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Guy Abandon.
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Gregory Nowak
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Charles Crawford
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Charles Crawford
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Gregory Nowak
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Ameer Armaly
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
jude dashiell
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Janina Sajka
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Guy Abandon.
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Janina Sajka
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
jude dashiell
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Luke Davis
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Glenn Ervin at home
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Charles Crawford
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Janina Sajka
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Charles Crawford
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Gregory Nowak
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Gregory Nowak
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Glenn Ervin at home
- OT Talking dos boot disk,
Charles Crawford
- Serial devices and devfs?,
Doug Lawlor
- Disk Image,
TJ McElroy
- speakup as part of the kernel,
Joseph Norton
- At long last, a talking install for RH9.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- mgetty+sendfax,
Gregory Nowak
- a bash scripting question,
Gregory Nowak
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
John Covici
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Ann Parsons
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
John covici
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Janina Sajka
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Ann Parsons
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Ann Parsons
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Janina Sajka
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Ann Parsons
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
John covici
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Janina Sajka
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Ann Parsons
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Toby Fisher
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
John covici
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Ann Parsons
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Steve Holmes
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Charles Crawford
- <Possible follow-ups>
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Janina Sajka
- file viewing with bookmarks saving?,
Janina Sajka
- mplayer question,
Vortek, Eater of Souls!
- ident question,
Gregory Nowak
- security test sites,
Gregory Nowak
- minicom,
Alex Snow
- problem playing ogg files,
Gregory Nowak
- slackware question,
Gregory Nowak
- Accent PC Fixed!!!,
Steve Holmes
- the audio page,
- cvs speakup and curser tracking,
Joseph C. Lininger
- cdrecord unknown length on track errors,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- kickstart file for redhat 9 wanted,
Alex Snow
- got debian installing finally,
Gregory Nowak
- [mpalmer@xxxxxxxxxxx: Re: [SLUG] Statement of Attainment in Linux],
Shaun Oliver
- my debian install update,
Gregory Nowak
- stuck installing debian,
Gregory Nowak
- Speak Freely to be discontinued,
Adam Myrow
- Trplayer segfaults?,
Thomas D. Ward
- Is it possible to get Via Voice talking on a Debian System with alsa?,
gena-j at
- sorry for last post,
James Poss
- unsubscribe godsmack,
James Poss
- problems installing,
Christopher Schulte
- ot: need help with saving a file via http,
Vortek, Eater of Souls!
- checking stuff in to CVS,
Ameer Armaly
- text/html email question,
Gregory Nowak
- 100 mbps hub,
Raul A. Gallegos
- Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Owen Patrick Smith
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Christopher Moore
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Christopher Moore
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Christopher Moore
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Christopher Moore
- Owen: Re: Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Christopher Moore
- Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Thomas D. Ward
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- Software Speech Synth with Speakup -- Help, please.,
Hugh Esco
- no system beep and ptys broken,
Michael Damien Curran
- speakup and bns,
Michael Damien Curran
- speakup and no root device,
Michael Damien Curran
- Where are the list archives?,
Christopher Moore
- speakup 1.5 keymap question,
Gregory Nowak
- boot disk with sshd,
Dj Statik
- inn\,
Alex Snow
- Accent PC Broken!!!,
Steve Holmes
- game of empire,
Alex Snow
- [Cvs] CVS update: speakup,
John covici
- 2.6.0-test1 compile errors,
William Hubbs
- CVS version os Speakup and 2.6.0-test1,
Ryan Mann
- Cut/Past Broken!,
Steve Holmes
- speakup yasr and main menu,
mmalver at
- speakup and 2.6 kernels,
Ameer Armaly
- current status of software speech with speakup,
- Any experience w/ Debian Woody Speakup Packages?,
Hugh Esco
- I need a new Ethernet card,
Glenn Ervin
- Compile error with 2.4.21 today,
Janina Sajka
- Compile Errors with 2.6.0-test1,
Janina Sajka
- Higher Resolution,
Steve Holmes
- [Cvs] Checkout error...!,
Buddy Brannan
- Checking out CVS...she no worky,
Buddy Brannan
- Installing from the Woody Disks -- How?,
Janina Sajka
- Visualy impaired,
- postgresql,
Alex Snow
- [slug@xxxxxxxxxxxx: [SLUG] Whats coming in the 2.6],
Shaun Oliver
- Minicom and the b l?,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- Speakup cvs and 2.4.21,
Toby Fisher
- Recognizing a hard drive,
erik burggraaf
- mysql problem fixed,
Alex Snow
- mysql question,
Alex Snow
- test message- ignore,
Ryan Mann
- Apollo 2 and speakUp?,
- clicky keyboard wanted,
Alex Snow
- ext2 to ext3,
Alex Snow
- interesting article for sys-admins,
Ann Parsons
- Server listening,
William Loughborough
- proxy servers,
Alex Snow
- pppd refuses to start after modem handshake,
igueths at
- ZipSlack with SpeakUp,
- List problems now resolved,
Geoff Shang
- ebooks,
Diana Dawne
- kernel almost fixed...,
Ameer Armaly
- compiling for udma66,
Ameer Armaly
- Blinx mailing list?,
- building pine in debian,
Cheryl Homiak
- pine and different message rolls,
Deedra Waters
- RedHat 9 and Speakup, almost...,
Darrell Shandrow
SpeakUp Newbie,
Speakup compilation problems,
Nolan J. Darilek
alsa problems fixed.,
Alex Snow
please help with sound editing,
Gregory Nowak
problems compiling a kernel bzImage,
Ameer Armaly
Got the file.,
Thomas D. Ward
What Plays FLAC Audio?,
Janina Sajka
Can't open Dectalk Rt.,
Thomas D. Ward
- Can't open Dectalk Rt.,
Charles Crawford
- Can't open Dectalk Rt.,
Gene Collins
- Actiontech router?,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- Actiontech router?,
Darrell Shandrow
- Actiontech router?,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- Actiontech router?,
Andrew Hodgson
- Actiontech router?,
Steve Holmes
- Actiontech router?,
Darrell Shandrow
- Actiontech router?,
Janina Sajka
- Actiontech router?,
Kenny Hitt
- Actiontech router?,
Janina Sajka
- Actiontech router?,
Shaun Oliver
- Actiontech router?,
Luke Davis
- Actiontech router?,
Andrew Hodgson
- Links (Was: Re: Actiontech router?),
Luke Davis
- Actiontech router?,
Steve Holmes
- Actiontech router?,
Luke Davis
- Actiontech router?,
Steve Holmes
- Actiontech router?,
Luke Davis
- Actiontech router?,
Toby Fisher
- Actiontech router?,
Toby Fisher
- Actiontech router?,
Janina Sajka
- Message not available
- Actiontech router?,
Luke Davis
Speakup Modified Red Hat 9?,
Darrell Shandrow
Join me in Birmingham,
Janina Sajka
ot, looking for bns 1995 manual,
Gregory Nowak
what is the easiest linux release to install?,
Ibrahim Ali
Debian - trplayer installation error,
Georgina Joyce
Do Not Call,
Cheryl Homiak
Linux ISO,
Glenn Ervinat home
This DHCP is too dynamic,
Janina Sajka
Linux on a compaq 2135,
dlawlor at
Another Cudo for Cut/Paste!,
Steve Holmes
zipspeak & U S B keybord,
Glenn Ervinat home
Does speakup work with wireless network cards?,
where to get gnumake,
Alex Snow
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