Welcome to the listen-up Daisy reader! This file contains installation instructions, and a few tips on getting started. Before you can install listen-up, you need to install two support libraries. The first is called libxml2. It's source can be gotten from http://xmlsoft.org. Just select the download link, and then select the ftp link from the download page. The second library is osalp. It's source can be gotten from http://osalp.sourceforge.net. Once you've gotten the sources for these two libraries you need to untar them and install them in the usual way. Here is a list of commands for the uninitiated. tar zxf libxml2-tar-filename.tar.gz cd libxml2-directory-name ./configure make >log.txt 2>&1 & Then as root: make install Then for the osalp librarry: tar xzf osalp-tar-file-name.tar.gz cd osalp-directory-name ./configure make >log.txt 2>&1 & Then as root: make install Please note that the make install commands must be initiated from the same directories where you compiled the packages. Now that you have the two support libraries installed, issue an ldconfig command as root. You are now ready to get the cvs version of listen-up. make sure you have the cvs software for your distribution of linux installed, and then, do the following while logged in as your normal user-id. If necessary, create the directory under which you would like the listen-up source package to be downloaded. Then change to that directory. For example, if you wanted listen-up source to be installed under cvs, you would do the following: mkdir cvs cd cvs Once you are in the directory where you want the listen-up source directory to be created, issue the following cvs commands: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at linux-speakup.org:/usr/src/CVS login (type please for the password) cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at linux-speakup.org:/usr/src/CVS checkout listen-up Now you are ready to build and install listen-up: cd listen-up make >log.txt 2>&1 & Then as root: make install Congratulations! Listen-up should now be installed and ready to use! The next thing you'll need, of course, is a daisy book to play. There are several on the speakup site in the /pub/linux/goodies/daisy-books directory. ftp://linux-speakup.org/~ftp/pub/linux/goodies/daisy-books/. These are cd iso images, some of which are over 500 meg, so make sure you have plenty of bandwidth, ie. don't try to download these on a dialup connection. You can mount the iso images as loop devices, if you'd rather not burn a cd for the image. To do this, as root issue a command like the following: mount /home/user-id/iso-image-name.iso /mount-point -o loop,ro Where iso-image-name.iso represents the name of your iso image, and /mount-point represents the name of the directory you want to use as the mount point. Once the image is mounted, you can type something like the following to play the book: listen-up /mount-point/book-directory-name/ The player will open, and you will be in a menu. Use the arrow keys to navigate the menu system. You'll first need to select open under the file menu. Then you can select play from the play menu. Pressing insert turns the audio on and off, while pressing delete toggles the text display on and off. When the book is playing, you can use the arrow keys to navigate around in the book, or make selections from the navigation menu. Pressing the escape key will toggle back and forth between menu and navigation mode. Known bugs. If you forget the slash (/) at the end of the directory name, dtbplayer may be unable to find the file you told it to open. If you don't specify the file name in the correct case, it will not be opened. Not all of the books available are Daisy compliant, so your mileage will vary from book to book. Have fun!