On DECTalks (ha ha, he said gloating), you don't get any absurd "list en up"--you get "listen up". The dash just doesn't seem right, and really doesn't, if it's in there for that reason. There's a defacto standard on speakup, which specifies no dashes. I say we keep it! Down with the dash! Down with the dash! :) On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Steve Holmes wrote: > Well, it's all sysnthesiser dependent as my speakout says it correctly > without the dash in there. So I suppose the - will force proper > pronunciation in all speech cases. Hey, just knock the punctuation > level down to #2 and read a line at a time and listen-up will actually > sound like listen up:). > > On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 08:38:38PM -0400, Ann Parsons wrote: > > Hi all, > > > > Well, Janina, only problem with "listenup" is that instead of hearing > > "lissenup", I hear "list-ten-up". Now iffin you're a language lover > > like me, and you know that list, is an old form of listen, that's > > fine. But speech synthes will say it wrong every time unless we spell > > it "lissenup". It might be sorta cute to spell it that way. It's up > > to you folks. But "lis ten up" doesn't have the same impact. > > > > Ann P. >