Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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- Re: What does one do about a package maintainer with an attitude problem?, (continued)
- rawhide report: 20130722 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- [Test-Announce] 2013-07-22 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
- 2013-07-15 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
- Rawhide - Calibre,
Frank Murphy
- rawhide report: 20130721 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- Bug Zapper,
Brandon Wernke
- fedup...--instrepo?,
Richard Vickery
- rawhide report: 20130720 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- Confused Rawhide (F20) set correct time Xfce,
Frank Murphy
- Criteria revision proposal: Expected installed system boot behavior (Alpha),
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20130718 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- [Fedora QA] #399: Send out F20 Call for Test Days,
Fedora QA
- Pre-F20 tasks: please volunteer!,
Adam Williamson
- [Fedora QA] #398: Add Secure Boot test case,
Fedora QA
- [Fedora QA] #397: Create test cases for release criteria that are currently missing them,
Fedora QA
- [Fedora QA] #396: Revise partitioning test cases to reflect newUI design and cover its intended use cases,
Fedora QA
- [Fedora QA] #395: Consider how to improve testing of different installer interfaces,
Fedora QA
- [Fedora QA] #394: Revise validation process / templates for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #393: Revise release criteria for ARM as primary arch,
Fedora QA
- 19 boot problem: shim ?,
Robert M. Albrecht
- Experiment with bleeding-edge GNOME using GnomeOSTree,
Kamil Paral
- rawhide report: 20130717 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- rawhide report: 20130716 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- nss-3.15.1-1.fc19 update bundle needs karma,
Elio Maldonado
Richard Vickery
- F19 java issues,
Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
- rawhide report: 20130715 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- rawhide report: 20130714 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- rawhide report: 20130713 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- dracut hang in %posttrans of Rawhide kernel install?,
Adam Williamson
fedup wrong----from fedora 17 to fedora 18,
[Fedora QA] #391: Revise 'firstboot' criteria,
Fedora QA
[Test-Announce] 2013-07-15 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
rawhide report: 20130712 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
installed tests,
Matthias Clasen
Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Joerg Lechner
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Ankur Sinha
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Joerg Lechner
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Joerg Lechner
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Joerg Lechner
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Christopher Meng
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Ed Greshko
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Joerg Lechner
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Michael Schwendt
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Akshay Vyas
- Re: Youtube, not all songs-videos can be played, F19_64,
Richard Vickery
f19 and nouveau drivers system freeze,
Rick Marshall
option to install extlinux to a partition???,
Felix Miata
Adjusting basic video driver testcase for UEFI systems,
Jan Sedlak
rawhide report: 20130711 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
The heroes of Fedora updates testing in Q2 2013,
Kamil Paral
rawhide report: 20130710 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
systemd-cryptsetup - crypttab -keyfile F20,
Frank Murphy
F19_64 SW Update Icons Gnome3,
Joerg Lechner
ABRT shows a problem with google-chrome-unstable Google Wallet Service...,
Kevin Martin
update to rawhide dependencies problem,
Igor Gnatenko
rawhide report: 20130709 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Rawhide: /run/initramfs/sosreport.txt stuck.,
Frank Murphy
2013-07-08 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
Frank McCormick
rawhide report: 20130708 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
systemd depends so heavily on a files it can not reboot,
Adam Pribyl
Create same file by different client on different mathine,
deming jia
rawhide report: 20130707 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
A crash due to a invalid indoe table(glusterfs-3.3.1),
deming jia
user list,
Richard Vickery
rawhide report: 20130706 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] 2013-07-08 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
Proposal: Spins process amendment for Fedora 20 cycle,
Kevin Fenzi
rawhide report: 20130705 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
2013-07-01 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
F20 blocker / FE tracker bugs up,
Adam Williamson
can not use USB device to install fedora-19-x86-64-DVD,
Negative karma for missing update descriptions?,
Ankur Sinha
rawhide report: 20130704 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Second draft of revised final criteria, proposed criterion for partition resizing,
Adam Williamson
Self-introduction: Matt Kottre,
rawhide report: 20130703 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
The heroes of Fedora 19 Final testing,
Kamil Paral
F19 - networking problem & questions,
Cristian Sava
F19 test updates,
Richard Vickery
Karma requests: os-prober and grub2,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] Announcing the release of Fedora 19 for ARM!,
Dennis Gilmore
[Test-Announce] Announcing the release of Fedora 19!,
Robyn Bergeron
rawhide report: 20130702 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Fedora 19 is unstable! 5 kernel oops in 5 days!,
Mateusz Marzantowicz
rawhide report: 20130701 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] 2013-07-01 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
Blackberry / sd card,
Richard Vickery
rawhide report: 20130630 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
kernel compile: as: error while loading shared libraries: libopcodes- (...),
Pedro Francisco
Booting and poweroff,
Richard Vickery
fedup'able ?,
Ed Greshko
rawhide report: 20130629 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #389: Proposed Test Day - TOPIC,
Fedora QA
F-19 Branched report: 20130628 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130628 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 status is ALIVE, GA on July 02, 2013,
Jaroslav Reznik
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 QA Retrospective is up for your feedback now!,
Adam Williamson
EFI: you have not created a bootloader stage1 target device,
Chris Murphy
F19: rd.luks.key does not work?,
Mateusz Marzantowicz
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final Release Candidate 3 (RC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
[Test-Announce] F19 Final status: back to good old Panic Stations,
Adam Williamson
anaconda crash, obviously invalid disk config,
Chris Murphy
F-19 Branched report: 20130627 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130627 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final RC2.1 WTF is this?!,
Adam Williamson
Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final RC2.1 WTF is this?!,
Adam Williamson
Final karma requests,
Adam Williamson
Omen.com mail MTA,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
F-19 Branched report: 20130626 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
nepomukservices hogging CPU,
Ed Greshko
rawhide report: 20130626 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Cannot install wine in F19-RC2,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
How to work with test project,
[Test-Announce] 2013-06-26 @ 16:00 UTC - F19 Final Blocker Bug Review #9,
Tim Flink
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
F19 Final status,
Adam Williamson
F19: kernel compile: mv: cannot stat 'signing_key.priv.sign.PAE': No such file or directory,
Pedro Francisco
No mail received from redhat (fedora),
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
F19 i686 LXDE iso RC1, winter time during installation,
Joerg Lechner
Can not install wine in 64 bit 19-RC1,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
[Test-Announce] F19 RC1 cloud images available in EC2 and for download,
Matthew Miller
F-19 Branched report: 20130625 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130625 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Wrong rpm name kde-plasma-networkmanagement-openconnect- ?,
Cristian Sava
RC1: harfbuzz conflict prevents wine installation,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
F-19 Branched report: 20130624 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Go/No-Go Meeting, Thursday, June 27 @ 17:00 UTC,
Jaroslav Reznik
rawhide report: 20130624 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F19: Galaxy Nexus not working with MTP, does work with PTP,
Pedro Francisco
[Test-Announce] 2013-06-24 @ 16:00 UTC - F19 Final Blocker Bug Review #8,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] CANCELLED: 2013-06-24 Fedora QA Meeting (blocker meeting still on),
Adam Williamson
Forcing F19 to 'vga mode' + borked install after Virtualbox guest additions on F19,
Fernando Cassia
F19/Mate, strange desktop problem.,
Fred Smith
grub2-mkconfig not picking up all kernels on another partition,
Frank McCormick
F-19 Branched report: 20130623 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130623 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F19: powertop is broken,
Christian Menzel
Testing ToDos and Methodology,
Justin Reid
Bug 499836: It's back,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
Possibly bug on supermin in fedora 19,
moshe nahmias
F-19 Branched report: 20130622 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130622 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Fedora 19 Final blocker status: fix and karma requests,
Adam Williamson
critera proposal/discussion: FESCo blockers,
Kevin Fenzi
Disappearing cursor in rawhide,
Clyde E. Kunkel
F-19 Branched report: 20130621 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
need PreferredMode troubleshooting help,
Felix Miata
[Test-Announce] TC6 cloud images available in EC2 and for download,
Matthew Miller
F-19 Branched report: 20130620 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130620 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Is efibootmgr expected to work?,
Alexander Volovics
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final Test Compose 6 (TC6) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
[F19] More than 2 kernel entries in grub2.cfg?,
Kashyap Chamarthy
[Test-Announce] 2013-06-20 @ 15:00 UTC - F19 Final Blocker Bug Review #7.1 (1 hour earlier than usual),
Tim Flink
F-19 Branched report: 20130619 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
More yuim update problems,
Frank McCormick
rawhide report: 20130619 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Delta rpm times and reliability?,
Tom Horsley
Fail2ban denied again by selinux,
Cristian Sava
[Test-Announce] 2013-06-19 @ 16:00 UTC - F19 Final Blocker Bug Review #7,
Tim Flink
Final Test Compose - Error,
Ed Greshko
Fedora 19 Final status, testing/karma requests and needed fixes,
Adam Williamson
failure to remove old efi boot entry,
Chris Murphy
F-19 Branched report: 20130618 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130618 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
screengrabber istanbul in F19,
Joachim Backes
Fedora-Live-LXDE-i686-19-TC5-1.iso 18-Jun-2013 01:55 658M,
Joerg Lechner
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Final Test Compose 5 (TC5) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
gnome-shell cpu usage during installation,
Chris Murphy
F-19 Branched report: 20130617 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130617 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Please test dracut-029-1.fc19!!,
Harald Hoyer
Sendmail in Fedora 19,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
[Test-Announce] 2013-06-17 @ 16:00 UTC - F19 Final Blocker Bug Review #6,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] CANCELLED: 2013-06-17 Fedora QA Meeting (blocker meeting still on),
Adam Williamson
grub2 boot problems after updating to grub2-tools-2.00-20 and grub2-2.00-20,
Joachim Backes
Fred Smith
F-19 Branched report: 20130616 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130616 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora 19] Update Error,
Vasilis Keramidas
Messed up F18->F19b upgrade with yum,
Andrii Bordunov
Unable to keep Input Method running,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Frank McCormick
installing TC3 on EFI,
moshe nahmias
Problem with xorg-x11 or mesa or radeon.,
Joshua Andrews
F-19 Branched report: 20130615 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130615 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
yum question "Is this ok [y/d/N]:",
Joachim Backes
Validation tests not yet run against Final,
Adam Williamson
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