rawhide report: 20130716 changes

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Compose started at Tue Jul 16 08:15:02 UTC 2013

Broken deps for x86_64
	MUMPS-4.10.0-9.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	MUMPS-4.10.0-9.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f77.so.1()(64bit)
	MUMPS-examples-4.10.0-9.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f77.so.1()(64bit)
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	blacs-openmpi-1.1-49.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f77.so.1()(64bit)
	cp2k-openmpi-2.4-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f90.so.1()(64bit)
	cp2k-openmpi-2.4-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f77.so.1()(64bit)
	derelict-tcod-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.x86_64 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-devel-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-devel-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.x86_64 requires tcod
	devtodo2-2.1-5.20120711git8dee6.fc20.x86_64 requires libgo.so.3()(64bit)
	dragonegg-3.3-1.fc20.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	ga-openmpi-5.1.1-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f90.so.1()(64bit)
	ga-openmpi-5.1.1-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f77.so.1()(64bit)
	gcc-python2-debug-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gcc-python2-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gcc-python3-debug-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gcc-python3-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gdb-heap-0.5-12.fc19.x86_64 requires glibc(x86-64) = 0:2.17
	gitifyhg-0.8.2-2.fc20.noarch requires python-path
	glabels-3.0.1-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libcamel-1.2.so.43()(64bit)
	gr-air-modes-0-0.13.20130409gitf25d21f5.fc20.i686 requires libgruel-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-air-modes-0-0.13.20130409gitf25d21f5.fc20.i686 requires libgnuradio-core-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-air-modes-0-0.13.20130409gitf25d21f5.fc20.x86_64 requires libgruel-3.6.5.so.0.0.0()(64bit)
	gr-air-modes-0-0.13.20130409gitf25d21f5.fc20.x86_64 requires libgnuradio-core-3.6.5.so.0.0.0()(64bit)
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires libgruel-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires libgnuradio-fcd-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires libgnuradio-core-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.x86_64 requires libgruel-3.6.5.so.0.0.0()(64bit)
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.x86_64 requires libgnuradio-fcd-3.6.5.so.0.0.0()(64bit)
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.x86_64 requires libgnuradio-core-3.6.5.so.0.0.0()(64bit)
	gr-osmosdr-devel-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires pkgconfig(gnuradio-core)
	gr-osmosdr-devel-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(gnuradio-core)
	gtkd-2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	gtkd-2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18.x86_64 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60()(64bit)
	indi-apogee-1.0-11.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	jboss-as-7.1.1-19.fc20.noarch requires cxf-common >= 0:2.6.3
	1:kawa-1.11-5.fc19.x86_64 requires servlet25
	koji-vm-1.8.0-1.fc20.noarch requires python-virtinst
	kstars-4.10.90-1.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	kyua-cli-0.5-3.fc19.x86_64 requires liblutok.so.0()(64bit)
	kyua-cli-tests-0.5-3.fc19.x86_64 requires liblutok.so.0()(64bit)
	lancet-1.0.1-6.fc19.noarch requires ant-nodeps >= 0:1.7.1
	libindi-0.9.6-4.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	libindi-0.9.6-4.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	mingw32-cximage-600-8.fc19.noarch requires mingw32(libpng15-15.dll)
	mingw64-cximage-600-8.fc19.noarch requires mingw64(libpng15-15.dll)
	netcdf-fortran-openmpi-4.2-8.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f90.so.1
	netcdf-fortran-openmpi-4.2-8.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	netcdf-fortran-openmpi-4.2-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f90.so.1()(64bit)
	netcdf-fortran-openmpi-4.2-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libmpi_f77.so.1()(64bit)
	nightview-cli-0.3.3-9.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	nightview-cli-0.3.3-9.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	nightview-gui-0.3.3-9.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	nip2-7.34.0-1.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	nodejs-express-3.3.3-1.fc20.noarch requires npm(connect) >= 0:2.8.3
	nodejs-express-3.3.3-1.fc20.noarch requires npm(commander) >= 0:1.2.0
	nodejs-sha-1.0.1-3.fc20.noarch requires npm(graceful-fs) < 0:1.3
	nodejs-tilelive-mapnik-0.5.0-1.fc20.noarch requires npm(mapnik) < 0:1.1
	gdm-control-3.5.0-11.20121001git782b28.fc19.x86_64 requires gnome-panel
	gnome-panel-control-3.5.0-11.20121001git782b28.fc19.x86_64 requires gnome-panel
	openlierox-0.59-0.11.beta10.fc20.x86_64 requires libgd.so.2()(64bit)
	ovirt-engine-notification-service-3.1.0-1.fc19.noarch requires classpathx-mail
	oyranos-libs-0.4.0-7.fc19.i686 requires libraw.so.5
	oyranos-libs-0.4.0-7.fc19.x86_64 requires libraw.so.5()(64bit)
	perl-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.091-17.fc19.noarch requires perl(Bio::Index::AbstractSeq)
	perl-Bio-SamTools-1.35-2.fc19.x86_64 requires perl(Bio::SeqFeature::Lite)
	perl-Bio-SamTools-1.35-2.fc19.x86_64 requires perl(Bio::PrimarySeq)
	perl-PDL-2.4.10-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libgd.so.2()(64bit)
	python-TraitsBackendQt-3.5.0-5.fc19.noarch requires python-TraitsGUI
	riak-1.3.1-2.fc20.x86_64 requires erlang-eleveldb(x86-64) = 0:1.3.0
	rubygem-openshift-origin-common-1.8.10-1.fc20.noarch requires rubygem(safe_yaml)
	rubygem-openshift-origin-node-1.9.15-1.fc20.noarch requires rubygem(safe_yaml)
	rubygem-openshift-origin-node-1.9.15-1.fc20.noarch requires openshift-origin-node-proxy
	rubygem-qpid-0.16.0-14.fc20.x86_64 requires libqpidmessaging.so.3()(64bit)
	rubygem-qpid-0.16.0-14.fc20.x86_64 requires libqpidcommon.so.5()(64bit)
	rubygem-qpid-0.16.0-14.fc20.x86_64 requires libqpidclient.so.5()(64bit)
	scala-2.9.2-2.fc19.noarch requires osgi(org.scala-ide.scala.library)
	siril-0.8-14.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	skyviewer-1.0.0-12.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	spacewalk-dobby-1.9.22-2.fc19.noarch requires perl(Spacewalk::Setup)
	spring-94.1-1.fc20.x86_64 requires libassimp.so.2()(64bit)
	sumwars-0.5.6-12.fc20.x86_64 requires libenet-1.3.7.so()(64bit)
	tango-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	tango-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.x86_64 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60()(64bit)
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.x86_64 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w()(64bit)
	towhee-openmpi-7.0.4-2.fc19.1.x86_64 requires libmpi_f77.so.1()(64bit)
	ufraw-0.19.2-2.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	ufraw-cinepaint-0.19.2-2.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	ufraw-gimp-0.19.2-2.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	vtk-examples-5.10.1-5.fc20.x86_64 requires vtkdata = 0:5.10.1
	vtk-testing-5.10.1-5.fc20.x86_64 requires vtkdata = 0:5.10.1
	wcslib-utils-4.17-2.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0()(64bit)
	libmapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires libicalss.so.0
	libmapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires libical.so.0
	libmapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.x86_64 requires libicalss.so.0()(64bit)
	libmapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.x86_64 requires libical.so.0()(64bit)
	php-mapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.x86_64 requires php(zend-abi) = 0:20100525-x86-64
	php-mapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.x86_64 requires php(api) = 0:20100412-x86-64
	zarafa-ical-7.0.13-1.fc19.x86_64 requires libicalss.so.0()(64bit)
	zarafa-ical-7.0.13-1.fc19.x86_64 requires libical.so.0()(64bit)

Broken deps for i386
	MUMPS-4.10.0-9.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	MUMPS-examples-4.10.0-9.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w
	aws-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w
	aws-tools-2.11.0-16.fc20.i686 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w
	blacs-openmpi-1.1-49.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	cp2k-openmpi-2.4-3.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f90.so.1
	cp2k-openmpi-2.4-3.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	derelict-tcod-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-devel-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	devtodo2-2.1-5.20120711git8dee6.fc20.i686 requires libgo.so.3
	dragonegg-3.3-1.fc20.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	ga-openmpi-5.1.1-3.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f90.so.1
	ga-openmpi-5.1.1-3.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	gcc-python2-debug-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gcc-python2-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gcc-python3-debug-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gcc-python3-plugin-0.12-7.fc20.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.8.1-2.fc20
	gdb-heap-0.5-12.fc19.i686 requires glibc(x86-32) = 0:2.17
	gitifyhg-0.8.2-2.fc20.noarch requires python-path
	glabels-3.0.1-8.fc20.i686 requires libcamel-1.2.so.43
	gr-air-modes-0-0.13.20130409gitf25d21f5.fc20.i686 requires libgruel-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-air-modes-0-0.13.20130409gitf25d21f5.fc20.i686 requires libgnuradio-core-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires libgruel-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires libgnuradio-fcd-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-osmosdr-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires libgnuradio-core-3.6.5.so.0.0.0
	gr-osmosdr-devel-0.0.1-3.20130403gite85c68d9.fc20.i686 requires pkgconfig(gnuradio-core)
	gtkd-2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	indi-apogee-1.0-11.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	jboss-as-7.1.1-19.fc20.noarch requires cxf-common >= 0:2.6.3
	1:kawa-1.11-5.fc19.i686 requires servlet25
	koji-vm-1.8.0-1.fc20.noarch requires python-virtinst
	kstars-4.10.90-1.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	kyua-cli-0.5-3.fc19.i686 requires liblutok.so.0
	kyua-cli-tests-0.5-3.fc19.i686 requires liblutok.so.0
	lancet-1.0.1-6.fc19.noarch requires ant-nodeps >= 0:1.7.1
	libindi-0.9.6-4.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	mingw32-cximage-600-8.fc19.noarch requires mingw32(libpng15-15.dll)
	mingw64-cximage-600-8.fc19.noarch requires mingw64(libpng15-15.dll)
	netcdf-fortran-openmpi-4.2-8.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f90.so.1
	netcdf-fortran-openmpi-4.2-8.fc20.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	nightview-cli-0.3.3-9.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	nightview-gui-0.3.3-9.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	nip2-7.34.0-1.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	nodejs-express-3.3.3-1.fc20.noarch requires npm(connect) >= 0:2.8.3
	nodejs-express-3.3.3-1.fc20.noarch requires npm(commander) >= 0:1.2.0
	nodejs-sha-1.0.1-3.fc20.noarch requires npm(graceful-fs) < 0:1.3
	nodejs-tilelive-mapnik-0.5.0-1.fc20.noarch requires npm(mapnik) < 0:1.1
	gdm-control-3.5.0-11.20121001git782b28.fc19.i686 requires gnome-panel
	gnome-panel-control-3.5.0-11.20121001git782b28.fc19.i686 requires gnome-panel
	openlierox-0.59-0.11.beta10.fc20.i686 requires libgd.so.2
	ovirt-engine-notification-service-3.1.0-1.fc19.noarch requires classpathx-mail
	oyranos-libs-0.4.0-7.fc19.i686 requires libraw.so.5
	perl-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.091-17.fc19.noarch requires perl(Bio::Index::AbstractSeq)
	perl-Bio-SamTools-1.35-2.fc19.i686 requires perl(Bio::SeqFeature::Lite)
	perl-Bio-SamTools-1.35-2.fc19.i686 requires perl(Bio::PrimarySeq)
	perl-PDL-2.4.10-6.fc19.i686 requires libgd.so.2
	python-TraitsBackendQt-3.5.0-5.fc19.noarch requires python-TraitsGUI
	riak-1.3.1-2.fc20.i686 requires erlang-eleveldb(x86-32) = 0:1.3.0
	rubygem-openshift-origin-common-1.8.10-1.fc20.noarch requires rubygem(safe_yaml)
	rubygem-openshift-origin-node-1.9.15-1.fc20.noarch requires rubygem(safe_yaml)
	rubygem-openshift-origin-node-1.9.15-1.fc20.noarch requires openshift-origin-node-proxy
	rubygem-qpid-0.16.0-14.fc20.i686 requires libqpidmessaging.so.3
	rubygem-qpid-0.16.0-14.fc20.i686 requires libqpidcommon.so.5
	rubygem-qpid-0.16.0-14.fc20.i686 requires libqpidclient.so.5
	scala-2.9.2-2.fc19.noarch requires osgi(org.scala-ide.scala.library)
	siril-0.8-14.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	skyviewer-1.0.0-12.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	spacewalk-dobby-1.9.22-2.fc19.noarch requires perl(Spacewalk::Setup)
	spring-94.1-1.fc20.i686 requires libassimp.so.2
	sumwars-0.5.6-12.fc20.i686 requires libenet-1.3.7.so
	tango-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_unicode.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_schema.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_sax.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_input_sources.so.4.3w
	templates_parser-tools-11.6.0-6.fc19.i686 requires libxmlada_dom.so.4.3w
	towhee-openmpi-7.0.4-2.fc19.1.i686 requires libmpi_f77.so.1
	ufraw-0.19.2-2.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	ufraw-cinepaint-0.19.2-2.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	ufraw-gimp-0.19.2-2.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	vtk-examples-5.10.1-5.fc20.i686 requires vtkdata = 0:5.10.1
	vtk-testing-5.10.1-5.fc20.i686 requires vtkdata = 0:5.10.1
	wcslib-utils-4.17-2.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio-3.340.so.0
	libmapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires libicalss.so.0
	libmapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires libical.so.0
	php-mapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires php(zend-abi) = 0:20100525-x86-32
	php-mapi-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires php(api) = 0:20100412-x86-32
	zarafa-ical-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires libicalss.so.0
	zarafa-ical-7.0.13-1.fc19.i686 requires libical.so.0

New package: gitifyhg-0.8.2-2.fc20
             Use git as a client for Mercurial repos

New package: jboss-integration-6.0.0-0.1.CR1.fc20
             JBoss Integration

New package: jboss-jsf-2.2-api-2.2.0-1.fc20
             JavaServer Faces 2.2 API

New package: mingw-postgresql-9.2.4-1.fc20
             MinGW Windows PostgreSQL library

New package: python-umemcache-1.6.3-2.fc20
             Memcache client written in highly optimized C++ with Python

Updated Packages:

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Sergio Pascual <sergiopr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.4-9
- Using new cfitsio 3.350

Size change: 91 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Stef Walter <stefw@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.1-4
- Build with verbose output logging

Size change: 128 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> - 20.2-1
- Use the new wait for connectivity function (mkolman)
- Improve waiting for network connectivity (mkolman)
- Use langtable to get default layout instead of our magic (#485137) (vpodzime)
- Adapt to the new localization module (vpodzime)
- Rewrite the localization module (vpodzime)
- Make the Welcome spoke wait for Geolocation lookup to finish (#975193)

Size change: 9820 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Mat Booth <fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1-10
- Add missing BRs

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Mikolaj Izdebski <mizdebsk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1-9
- Install NOTICE file with javadoc package
- Resolves: rhbz#984417

Size change: -746 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Petr Hracek <phracek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.2.13-13
- make dependency of bacula packages on bacula-libs RHEL-7 rpmdiff (#881146)

Size change: 179 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tomas Hozza <thozza@xxxxxxxxxx> 32:9.9.4-0.1.b1
- update to bind-9.9.4b1
- drop merged RRL patch
- drop merged stat.h patch

Size change: 21981 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tomas Hozza <thozza@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.4-2
- rebuild against new bind

Size change: 98 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.5-6
- Updated man page

Size change: 4683 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jeff Layton <jlayton@xxxxxxxxxx> 6.1-3
- allow setcifsacl to work if plugin can't be loaded (bz#984087)

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jeff Layton <jlayton@xxxxxxxxxx> 6.1-2
- Convert idmapping plugin symlink to use alternatives system (bz#984088)

Size change: 2753 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Honza Horak <hhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> 5.5.32-8
- Revert path change to ldconfig, UsrMove is not complete yet

* Wed Jul 10 2013 Honza Horak <hhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> 5.5.32-7
- Arm support for multilib hacks

Size change: 277 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Sergio Pascual <sergiopr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 6.3.1-1
- New upstream source 6.3.1
- EVR bump to rebuild with new cfitsio 3.350

Size change: 71455 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Volker Fröhlich <volker27@xxxxxx> 1.47-1
- New upstream release

Size change: 3550 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tomas Hozza <thozza@xxxxxxxxxx> - 12:4.2.5-16
- rebuild against new bind

Size change: 89 bytes

* Fri Jul 05 2013 W. Michael Petullo <mike[@]flyn.org> 0.0.55-2
- Remove dmapd-vips-7.32.patch

* Fri Jul 05 2013 W. Michael Petullo <mike[@]flyn.org> 0.0.55-1
- New upstream version

Size change: 3922 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tomas Hozza <thozza@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Rebuild against bind 9.9.4b1

Size change: 132 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Ricky Elrod <codeblock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.10.0-1
- Update to upstream 0.10.0.

Size change: 66345 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.47.11-2
- Fixed manual page and built-in help to be up-to-date

Size change: 809 bytes

* Sun Jul 14 2013 Liang Suilong <liangsuilong@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.1-1
- Upstream to fcitx-sunpinyin-0.4.1

Size change: -197 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@xxxxxxxxxx> 19.3-1
- 983082 - clarify that fedora-upgrade is not an official upgrade tool
- set up differ for rpmconf
- warn about loosing session (bug 962983)
- update README

Size change: 870 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@xxxxxxxxxx> 4.8.1-4
- update from the 4.8 branch
  - PRs c++/57437, c++/57526, c++/57532, c++/57545, c++/57550, c++/57551,
	c++/57645, c++/57771, c++/57831, fortran/57785,
	rtl-optimization/57829, target/56102, target/56892, target/56987,
	target/57506, target/57631, target/57736, target/57744,
	target/57777, target/57792, target/57844
- backport some raw-string literal handling fixes (#981029,
  PRs preprocessor/57757, preprocessor/57824)
- improve convert_to_* (PR c++/56493)
- tune for power7 on RHEL7

* Fri Jun 28 2013 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@xxxxxxxxxx> 4.8.1-3
- update from the 4.8 branch
  - PRs c++/53211, c++/56544, driver/57652, libstdc++/57619, libstdc++/57666,
	libstdc++/57674, rtl-optimization/57518, target/57623, target/57655,
	tree-optimization/57358, tree-optimization/57537
  - fix up gcc-{ar,nm,ranlib} (#974853, PR driver/57651)
- fix two libitm HTM handling bugs (PR libitm/57643)
- speed up __popcount[sdt]i2 library function (PR middle-end/36041)
- backport power8 support from trunk (#731884, PR target/57615)
- for Fedora 20+ test -fstack-protector-strong during %check instead
  of -fstack-protector

Size change: -58080 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Christopher Meng <rpm@xxxxxxxx> - 2.8.1-1
- Update to new version.

Size change: 159029 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Mario Ceresa <mrceresa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.4-2
- Add support for vtk 6.0.0

* Fri Jul 12 2013 Orion Poplawski <orion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.4-1
- Update to 2.2.4
- Rebuild for vtk 6.0.0

Size change: 27325 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.8.3-1
- Update to 3.8.3

Size change: 3584 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tomáš Mráz <tmraz@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.1.13-1
- new upstream release

Size change: 95560 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@xxxxxxxxxx> - 20130624-1
- Resolved #984459 :- Upstream new release.
- Added new package google-noto-serif-khmer-fonts

Size change: 104056 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Pavel Zhukov <landgraf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2013-2
- rebuild with Fedora optflags (#984721)

Size change: -71 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.13a-11
- cfitsio reabuild.

Size change: 74 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1-0.13.beta3
- add memory barriers for arm (bz 927443)

Size change: -490 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Mike FABIAN <mfabian@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.2-1
- Update to 1.2.2 upstream version
- Commit immediately when certain punctuation characters are typed and transliteration is not used (Resolves: rhbz#981179)
- Add an option to try completion only when a minimum number of characters has been typed

Size change: -531 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jan Synáček <jsynacek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 20121221-3
- Harden the package

Size change: -1004 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Omair Majid <omajid@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:
- Switch to xz for compression
- Fixes RHBZ#979823

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Omair Majid <omajid@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:
- Priority should be 0 until openjdk8 is released by upstream
- Fixes RHBZ#964409

Size change: -25673275 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Marek Goldmann <mgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx> - 8.0.0-0.1.Alpha1
- Upstream release 8.0.0.Alpha1
- New guidelines
- Using Maven

* Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 7.0.13-6
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild

Size change: -79581 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jiri Vanek <jvanek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.5-0
- folowing changes in jutils, version for classpath setup fixed
- unlimited number of arguments now supported
- removed ant-nodeps

Size change: -874 bytes

* Fri Jul 12 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.4-6
- add snappy build
- add lzo build
- pull makedumpfile-1.5.4
- mkdumprd: check return value of subshell
- mkdumprd: get_persistent_dev() return original dev if no persistent dev exists.
- dracut-kdump.sh: Merge dump_to_rootfs() to dump_fs()
- dracut-kdump.sh: explicitly sync after each dump
- Correct wrong weekday of changelog
- kexec-tools.spec: Remove incorrect description in changelog

Size change: 3404 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Paul Wouters <pwouters@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.0-0.3.rc4
- Added Alias=knotd.service alias to service file
- Added ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/knotc checkconf to service file

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jan Vcelak <jvcelak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.3.0-0.2.rc4
- update to 1.3.0-rc4

* Wed Jul 03 2013 Jan Vcelak <jvcelak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.3.0-0.1.rc3
- update to 1.3.0-rc3
- update configuration
- disable assertions in the code (define NDEBUG)
- enable unit tests as a part of RPM build process
- enable fast zone parser
- fix wrong dates in changelog

Size change: -84311 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Simone Caronni <negativo17@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.5.4-4
- Add patch for #982685.

Size change: 799 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 David Tardon <dtardon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.30-1
- new release

Size change: 1670 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> 19.6-1
- Version 19.6 (bcl)
- litd: Add kickstart option (bcl)
- ts.check output is a list of tuples (#979759) (bcl)
- Add repo --noverifyssl support (#907707) (bcl)

Size change: 312 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <chat-to-me@xxxxxxxxx> -
- another fix for better default patch

Size change: 370 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Mat Booth <fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2-1
- Update to latest upstream, fixes rhbz #915220
- Drop upstreamed plexus-containers-component-metadata patch
- No longer need missing package declaration workaround for HelpMojo.java

Size change: 7495 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@xxxxxxxxx> 0.5.4-1
- Update to 0.5.4

Size change: 109578 bytes

* Fri Jul 12 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.4.5-4
- Added Provides: mongodb-devel to libmongodb-devel

Size change: 133 bytes

* Fri Jul 12 2013 T.C. Hollingsworth <tchollingsworth@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.23-1
- new upstream release 0.1.23

Size change: 120 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.0-1
- Update to 1.1.0 upstream release
- Remove mapnik-vector-tile from run time dependencies

Size change: 2581 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.0-1
- Updated to 0.1.0 upstream release

Size change: -348 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.1-1
- Update to 0.3.1 upstream release
- Update to latest nodejs packaging standards
- Switch to running tests using mocha

Size change: -8494 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.12-1
- Update 2.1.12 upstream release
- Increase test timeout for ARM builds

Size change: 714 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.5.0-1
- Update to 4.5.0 upstream release
- Update to latest nodejs packaging standards

Size change: 77 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 TI_Eugene <ti.eugene@xxxxxxxxx> 1.4.0-1
- Version bump.
- BR libtiff-devel added

* Sat Jun 15 2013 TI_Eugene <ti.eugene@xxxxxxxxx> 1.2.0-1
- Version bump.
- %find_lang macro added
- _als translation removed

Size change: 27204 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> 4.2.6p5-13
- ignore duplicate servers from dhclient
- don't use -Wstrict-overflow with -fno-strict-overflow
- buildrequire systemd-units
- remove pie test

Size change: 294 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Thomas Sailer <t.sailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.4.3-1
- update to 2.4.3

Size change: 7528 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jan Synáček <jsynacek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.10
- Fix compilation against konkretcmpi-0.9.1

Size change: 836 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jan Synáček <jsynacek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.25-3
- Rebuild against new konkretcmpi
- Really fix the compilation against new konkretcmpi

* Fri Jun 28 2013 Roman Rakus <rrakus@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.25-2
- Againg add registration of 05_LMI_Qualifiers.mof

Size change: 1164 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Petr Lautrbach <plautrba@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.9.10-1
- upgrade

Size change: -144214 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Will Cohen <wcohen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.8-10
- rhbz949028: Man page scan results for oprofile

Size change: 3055 bytes

* Sun Jul 14 2013 Orion Poplawski <orion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.2-1
- Update to 1.8.2
- Drop unneeded maven BRs

Size change: 6762 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Petr Šabata <contyk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.29.07-1
- 1.2907 bump, tests and pod enhancements
- Fix a bogus date in changelog

Size change: 1080 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.07-1
- Update to 0.07
  - Require Test::Fatal ≥ 0.006 to avoid test failures (CPAN RT#76809)
- Explicitly run author tests, except for EL builds
- Add buildreqs for new tests
- Apply old Test::More patch if we have Test::More < 0.96

Size change: 470 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Petr Šabata <contyk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0403-1
- 0.0403, documentation typo fixes

Size change: 143 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.008-1
- Update to 0.008
  - Compile test updated, to hopefully fix mswin32 parsing issues

Size change: 314 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.22-3
- Updated build to fix dependency issues on qpid-cpp.

* Tue Jun 25 2013 Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.22-2
- Perl Makefile.PL now generates the Swig bindings source.
- Resolves: QPID-4939

Size change: 148 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Remi Collet <rcollet@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.1-2
- adapt for SCL

Size change: 249 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.3-1
- Update to 1.1.3 (stable) - API 1.1.0

Size change: -990 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.17-1
- Update to 1.2.17

Size change: 12640 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Chris Lumens <clumens@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.99.34-1
- Always create self.handler on-demand in the test cases. (clumens)
- Also set the seen attribute when __call__ is used. (clumens)
- Mark the upgrade command as deprecated. (clumens)
- Add the method test case back in. (clumens)
- Set the seen attribute when parsing in test cases, too. (clumens)
- Add a proxy method command object. (clumens)
- Add an interactive kickstart shell command, ksshell. (clumens)
- Fix string substitution errors in translatable text. (clumens)
- Break the method command out into individual commands. (clumens)

Size change: 6606 bytes

* Fri Jul 12 2013 Christopher Meng <rpm@xxxxxxxx> - 0.7.3-1
- New version.
- Remove paver BR.

Size change: 67115 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Ding-Yi Chen <dchen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.3-1
- python3 binding is available (python3-polib)
- Fixed Bug 978672 - This package should be updated.
- Upstream update to 1.0.3
- Version 1.0.3 (2013/02/09)
  Fixed issue #38: POFile.append() raised a duplicate exception when you tried to add a new entry with the same msgid and a different msgctxt (only when check_for_duplicates option is set to True)
  Fixed issue #39: Added __init__.py file for convenience
  Fixed issue #41: UnicodeDecodeError when running setup.py build on python3 with C locale
  polib is now fully PEP8 compliant
  Small improvements: remove unused "typ" var (thanks Rodrigo Silva), mproved Makefile, Make sure _BaseFile.__contains__ returns a boolean value

- Version 1.0.2 (2012/10/23)
  allow empty comments, flags or occurences lines

- Version 1.0.1 (2012/09/11)
  speed up POFile.merge method (thanks @encukou)
  allow comments starting with two '#' characters (thanks @goibhniu)

Size change: 752 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.34.09-2
- Rebuild for cfitsio 3.350

Size change: 99 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Miroslav Suchý <miroslav@xxxxxxxx>
- When overwriting the current file with an .rpmnew/.rpmsave file, check that
  the copy worked before removing the source file.
- Skip deleting files if user input could not be read.
- fix few spelling typos

Size change: -1117 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Michal Sekletar <msekleta@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.17-73
- add IPv6 support to rexec and rexecd
- enable hardened build
- fix dates in changelog

Size change: 1279 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Add forgotten psych.rb link into rubygem-psych to fix "private method `load'
  called for Psych:Moduler" error (rhbz#979133).

Size change: 246 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.22-2
- Updated build to fix dependency issues on qpid-cpp.

Size change: 142 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Michal Fojtik <mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.0-1
- Release 1.5.0

Size change: -702 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Michal Fojtik <mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:1.4.3-1
- Update to 1.4.3

Size change: 23644 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.5-100
- Update to 2.0.5
- Show backtrace when %gem_install fails

* Thu Jul 04 2013 Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.3-2
- Fix RubyGems search paths when building gems with native extension

Size change: 1158 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Jamie Nguyen <jamielinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.0.4-4
- %files tries to package some of the shared objects as directories (#984437)
- fix broken systemd unit file (#984300)
- fix rpmlint error: description-line-too-long
- fix rpmlint error: macro-in-comment
- fix rpmlint error: spelling-error Summary(en_US) fuctionality
- depend on 'systemd' instead of 'systemd-units'
- use new systemd scriptlet macros
- NetworkManager subpackage should have a copy of the license (#984490)
- enable hardened_build as this package meets the PIE criteria (#984429)
- invocation of "ipsec _updown iptables" is broken as ipsec is renamed
  to strongswan in this package (#948306)
- invocation of "ipsec scepclient" is broken as ipsec is renamed
  to strongswan in this package
- add /etc/strongswan/ipsec.d and missing subdirectories
- conditionalize building of strongswan-NetworkManager subpackage as the
  version of NetworkManager in EL6 is too old (#984497)

* Fri Jun 28 2013 Avesh Agarwal <avagarwa@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.0.4-3
- Patch to fix a major crash issue when Freeradius loads
  attestatiom-imv and does not initialize libstrongswan which
  causes crash due to calls to PTS algorithms probing APIs.
  So this patch fixes the order of initialization. This issues
  does not occur with charon because libstrongswan gets
  initialized earlier.
- Patch that allows to outputs errors when there are permission
  issues when accessing strongswan.conf.
- Patch to make loading of modules configurable when libimcv
  is used in stand alone mode without charon with freeradius
  and wpa_supplicant.

* Tue Jun 11 2013 Avesh Agarwal <avagarwa@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.0.4-2
- Enabled TNCCS 1.1 protocol
- Fixed libxm2-devel build dependency
- Patch to fix the issue with loading of plugins

* Wed May 01 2013 Avesh Agarwal <avagarwa@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.0.4-1
- New upstream release
- Fixes for CVE-2013-2944
- Enabled support for OS IMV/IMC
- Created and applied a patch to disable ECP in fedora, because
  Openssl in Fedora does not allow ECP_256 and ECP_384. It makes
  it non-compliant to TCG's PTS standard, but there is no choice
  right now. see redhat bz # 319901.
- Enabled Trousers support for TPM based operations.

Size change: 6283 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Lukas Berk <lberk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3-0.234.g54cbada
- Automated weekly rawhide release
- Applied spec changes from upstream git

Size change: 2626 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.02-1
- new upstream release

Size change: 58205 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-1
- wayland 1.2.0

Size change: 201105 bytes


Size change: 249358 bytes

* Mon Jul 15 2013 Christopher Meng <rpm@xxxxxxxx> - 3.5-1
- Update to 3.5.

Size change: 24900 bytes

* Tue Jul 16 2013 Christopher Meng <rpm@xxxxxxxx> - 2013.07.12-1
- Update to new release.

Size change: 5353 bytes

Added Packages: 5
Removed Packages: 0
Modified Packages: 82
Size of added packages: 16970693 (16 M)
Size change of modified packages: -24640204 (-23 M)
Size of removed packages: 0 (0 )
Size change: -7669511 (-7.3 M)
Compose finisheded at Tue Jul 16 12:32:19 UTC 2013

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